Judas Booth

SpinCityous starring Michael J. Fox

Great Job, Internet, for reminding me of why I'm not allowed at the farmer's market anymore.

The next film will be 90 minutes of a man holding a cue card that reads "Sorry, next one will be great, honest!"

I would one day like to own Rondell Sheridan's gregarious bald head and preserve it in a jar filled with formaldehyde. I would place it lovingly on my mantle. It would cheer me up when I'm feelin' blue.

CancerAIDS, right ahead!

Ah, the old "ticket or take it."


Give 'im one for me.

That logic enabled me to master Bart vs. the World on the NES when I was 7.

With special guest Lisa Frank.


it's just been cancelled.

Don't worry, they've got 4 seasons of Dinosaurs reruns to fill those slots with.

Scrooge: You there, boy, what day is it?
Boy: Why, it's Cancellation Day, sir!

To be fair, there's a lot of stiff competition.

Daria's diet of lasagna and pizza did wonders for her figure.

Paul Blart 2 you'll tolerate
until the dice you roll reads eight

I agree - marrying the Turtles franchise with Zelda 1's overworld and Zelda 2's sidescrolling sections is great on paper but the execution left a lot to be desired…

Oh Christ, I totally forgot about falling in the water and starting again. This game was supposed to be fun??