Judas Booth

And Reader's Digest's "All in a Day's Work" was just begging to be put on television!

I guess every cloud [filled level] has a silver lining.

Here lies

CTRL-F is telling me that no one has said Kid Icarus, so I'll choose that. One of the final dungeons/mazes immediately throws a couple of Eggplant Wizards at you while you're descending from a ladder, so you're pretty much guaranteed to have to deal with several rooms littered with enemies and those

The Streets level for me was just abysmal. Having to haul ass across a level in a tank littered with nearly invisible landmines while being shot at by enemies shrouded in a layer of fog that would make Turok blush - fuck that shit. Worse yet, it's not even a great level to fool around in once you've completed it.

Never understood why people thought this level was so hard. Then again, I was never able to finish the entire game (having only four turtles to deal with all that shit was just cruel).

That certainly makes sense - Lethal Weapon 1 is significantly more dramatic than even its direct sequel. Still, I think it was wise to build the series off of the chemistry of the two leads.

I think the 1st one is the better of the two but the 2nd is pretty damn great as well (exploding toilets, "diplomatic immunity!").

He would not eat a knob at night
He would not eat them in daylight

Doctors recommend trending regularly to prevent public apathy.

I heard if you say "Blade Runner" three times into a mirror, Harrison Ford appears and does his narration from the film.

"American beer is the best!"
-Daisy Miller's brother Randolph

They were hoping to get the guy who played Milton "Goo" Berry.

All Along the Squatchtower?

He downloads bitcoins from the rich and transfers them to the poor.

Doctor Who fans know this is the safest place to be.

Weeds 4: Smoked Some More

He said some pretty mean things about you specifically in the video though.

1st debate topic: Should we listen to funk rock or funk rock?

Single-actor drama about drones? Should've called it Drone Alone.