Judas Booth

I think the other film you're conflating it with is My Date with the President's Daughter.

@avclub-0fa026ad94c73173668c7b32dce440a3:disqus, I told you before, stop gnawing on the dry-wall.

Wikipedia doesn't say but I seem to recall reading somewhere that The Dead Pool wasn't originally a Dirty Harry film. Could be wrong though.

I'm assuming he's firing at an evil Family Skeleton on #5.

I ran though this series about 5 years ago and afterwards felt that the first one was by far the best of the lot (not to say the sequels weren't entertaining in their own right). Good excuse to rewatch 'em methinks.

James Bond will return in… The Man with the Golden Bong

I've read this before but I've never seen either of 'em. Was Parker Louis worth watching or was it just the lesser of two evils?

We did get a couple of TV shows out of his movies though (Ferris Bueller, Weird Science).


Is Poe-poe one word or two?

His greatest role was in the super-smash-hit movie JINGLE ALL DE WAY!


Who's Marcus?!

That was fantastic!

*snaps fingers* I got it! A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's Revenge!

Still, it could've used a Heat Miser cameo near the end.

What happens when we check all five?

This could be greatly improved by ditching the Google Maps interface and replacing it with a radar screen with burrito-shaped blips.
