Judas Booth

I would imagine so. Still, I can respect the fact that they want to respect the privacy of whodunnit (whoever they determine that to be).

Take a closer look at that link — apparently they've excluded the two brothers from being suspects.

According to Wikipedia, the Virtual Boy sold a mere 770,000. *sigh*

Interesting to see that the Wii sold more units than the Famicom/NES.

Yep! He talks about it near the bottom of this interview.

John Kassir's greatest performance.

Balding and Bangs seem okay with this.

@avclub-323dc4fcef3482857c4a5a554be9c977:disqus, are you… okay? Do you wanna… talk about it?

You've just articulated something I often dream about…

Dan Hard 2: Dan Harder

"Oh hai kitty!"

"I'll do you fast, Peppy ol' pal!"

That wasn't too repulsive.
::gives uneasy smile and thumbs up::

I looked up Dr. Seuss' bibliography to see if I could make a crappy physics joke out of one of his books and found out he wrote a book called The Pocket Book of Boners.

That game was pretty good for a quick tie-in. I liked seeing the Scott Pilgrim world animated and it was nice to play something akin to RCR but more modern. Took forever to get back up after being knocked down though.

Hugo never had to deal with crazy facial hair (I'm assuming - I've never played the game).

::thinks about it::
::scrolls back up::
God, I want to punch that fucking mustache off his stupid fucking face.

The throwback parody would be Cock Soup.

I've dramatically reduced the number of tabs that I have open as a result.