Judas Booth

I agree. Metallica rocks!

Homer playing peek-a-boo with Maggie at home while she's still trapped inside the newspaper vending machine is one of my favorite scenes in the series.

Season 13. No wonder I didn't recognize it.

I give up. Which episode is that from?

Not cool [shooting] Zeus. Not cool.

Tissues help with issues.

Why do I have to see that stupid expression on his face twice on this page?

The SNES original isn't nearly as slick or as quotable as its sequel, but I love it just the same. It's not only impressive to see running on the SNES, but the fact that it still plays well (for me at least) speaks volumes about its design. The game's clean polygons and detailed backgrounds are way more appealing to

Whovian screamed REEEEEEEAAAL good before he DIED!

I won a Webby for "Best 'Under Construction' GIF" in 1997.

::Dorf weeps::

The MPAA was very strict on the misrepresentation of lakes in the 80s.

My only parlor trick is performing his shuffle dance during this song at parties.

Dot: Right now? Alright…

I imagined Fran from Black Books when I read the headline.

Pfft, Grace Jones is immortal.

Hey, if you're not praying to your old god anymore, can I confess my sins to him?

I can guarantee this movie would get an A+ if it involved a chunky elf and his magic bag of corn.

I had Renegade and River City Ransom — couldn't stand the former, but absolutely loved the latter. I still think it's an incredibly fun and charming game nowadays.

The Wii U controls seem to change the whole experience though. Expecting players to keep an eye on two screens seems counter-intuitive and clumsy and the gameplay would have to accommodate that to make it playable. Just give me Star Fox's controls and core gameplay and I'm happy.