Judas Booth

It's less about the humor and more about being absolutely tedious. Unless I'm learning something new from a developer playing their own game or a speedrunner exploiting a strange bug from a game I love, listening to a commentary over gameplay is just boring to me and adds nothing to what I'm watching. And if the

Speedruns are a lot of fun and interesting to watch, Longplays are great background fodder and a nifty way to revisit a favorite level/scene/boss-fight, Let's Plays are the worst thing ever.

"All rise…"
::Nosferatu rises from coffin::

Ernest Scared, Stupid

"Beatty's 'Dick' Still Coming"

I just don't see how crossovers in the Scooby Doo universe could work.

I agree - this scene probably rings more true, but "The Garage Door" was absolutely heartbreaking.

"Oh great, I just washed the jeans with $200,000 in them."

Love this album - in particular "Airwaves" is one track that I often have looping endlessly in the background.

On the other hand, Tarja Halonen is looking pretty good for her age.

He's always prepared for a Pokemon battle.

In your face, fishwife!


Growing up, we had a video store nearby that had a deal where you would pay $5 a month for the privilege of renting anything that wasn't a new release for a quarter a day (including video games). Blockbuster was the expensive contingency plan if they didn't have a video/game I really wanted.

My genitals have won all the trophies.

Does she plan on having sequels?

"Youuuu hang up first, Sweden!"
"Noo, youuu hang up first, America!"

And Your Bird Can Drive My Car

It's alright.

Sorry, I don't have any new/old material, I haven't bought a script in years.