Judas Booth

Now that the Simpsons Classic reviews have ended, I finally have time to read some of my old favorites…
Honey-roasted peanuts. Ingredients: "Salt, artificial honey-roasting agents, pressed peanut sweepings!" Mmm.

Leela: Wait! I want you to look me in the eye and promise you won't get behind the wheel without some kind of alcoholic beverage in your hand.

Oh great, secret's out. Thanks a lot, @prilloomply75:disqus .

Is there Mrs. Queequeg?

First Elvis and now this!? Simply obscene. The C.C. Music Factories should be ashamed.

Replace it with a goldfish and you won't feel so bad about your life expectancy.

- Parker Lewis

Woo hoo!

I typed up a more comprehensive collection of the deleted material from the 2nd Table Draft of "Homer at the Bat" last week, but alas. So if you're interested, head to the bottom of the Comments section of the Homer at the Bat review. Enjoy!

If we can't trust Uatu to spot the real Thanos, what good is he?

I don't believe so.

You don't recognize Henchman #2?

He's snowflake.

They missed the one from Jurassic Park where he tells everyone to "hold on to your motherfucking butts."

That book title…

It's alright for a cheap domestic beer.

I would
slime 4

Negotiations with Señor Spielbergo are ongoing.

"I'd like to…"
Oooh yeah!
"…but he's out there."

Maybe they'll use the original ending of Army of Darkness as a starting point and show Ash trying to survive in a post-apocalyptic world.