Judas Booth

I didn't know that. Good job, "Great Job, Internet!"

I'm kind of curious what "script view" entails and whether that means we'll see the physical script or just a transcript.

Oh, "boo" yourself.

Can't think of an apropos Simpsons quote, so I'll just say this:

What am I for just replying?

::While Homer gets the shit beat out of him::

There's three of 'em (as far as I know):

Why aren't the kids still asphalt-skiing on frying pans these days?

I remember the night this aired, the episode ended and I was disappointed because it seemed to be over all too quickly. In retrospect, that was a good indication of a solid pilot that left viewers wanting more.

I like how competency is a selling point for Homer.

I fell for the last 74 Job Shugo sites, but not this time!

All we are is Squawks in the wiiiind…

The ending to Super Metroid is brilliant. You really need to play through it.

Just before this article was posted, I was traveling through a Weird Al music video wormhole on YouTube. God bless this man.

- p1n3@PPl3_f@c3

"O ye of little weight."

Breaking Slash

To entice Val Kilmer to sign on?

Mr. Bea Natural?