Judas Booth


*lightning strikes*

Ham on.

I'm still waiting for his apology for the jellybean incident.

(Okay Judas, don't get greedy. Hopefully he won't see through your disguise of a Boy Scout uniform with the word "Boy" crossed out and "Talent" written above)

Mr. Bonner Time, I'm a talent scout for Last Comic
Standing. How would you like to be seen around the world below an article on the AV Club?


Too cerebral - not enough palsy.

"Be" schemin', Sam.

For me, hell is a big fiery chasm filled with demons.

I like to savor the slow death of a child, personally.

City Duped by Evil Moron

Les Chappell fail English? That's unpossible!

My only regret is that I have Boneitis.

Homer Say "Get Out"

Mama mia!

That's specious reasoning, @Mrs. Langdon Alger:disqus.

"Immigants! I knew it was them! Even when it was the bears, I knew it was them!" is a quote that I use in some form at least once a week. I just replace "immigants" and "bears" with whatever is bothering me that day.

NBC: A resurgence…

If you liked EarthBound, I highly recommend Mother 3 - personally, I thought it was even better than the SNES installment. Starmen.net's translation of the game does an amazing job of capturing the light-hearted, goofy spirit of its predecessor's script.