detective daughter

Seriously how much to the writers hate the actors for holding this storyline until NOW.

Love the hat. The fedora is still there. And the scarf. Let the woman not look exactly like every other darn csi/cop female on tv right now.

I concur on everything you have to say. Ann's confession bits are always great and I cannot wait for the return of Drunk Ann.

Southwest was the official airline of GLAAD? LOLWUT? Shouldn't that be Virgin America with its purple strobe lightning and hipster ways?

Kalinda/Cary I do not see it. She seems too older and wiser for him even if the character is supposed to be similarly aged.

I LIKE THE HAT. Dammit, I said it and I feel better now. Mainly I like the three piece suits and the snazzy rain coat. Girl has a good wardrobe people. Maria Bello is a pretty woman and she is trying to be a hard nosed detective so if she chooses to use her rather decent pay grade to look like Sinatra then I approve.

A glass of scotch is gripped in hand as I try and sort how I felt about that after having rewatched it, Again.

X-23 and Generation Hope definitely come to mind.

Isn't that how Chuck survived all these years?

I will watch this just to see how bad it is… because I am shallow and cannot look away from a train wreck. Yep. (Edit: Oh god I wasted my first Firstie ever on this? I feel dirty.)

Kevin Drew is a nutter. As self appointed band leader he has wreaked havoc upon himself and others. That band literally had enough drama to fill a book.

Hah. No one has ever called me out for the KDHYB ref before. +1 to you sir.

I'd have to disagree respectfully. As a #1 I felt it relied too heavily on folks to have read the Detective Comics run to really feel like they knew what was going on, but I thought the dialogue was strong and faithful to Rucka's work. I had a friend who had never read any Batwoman stories read the issue and they

ELEGY TP is awesome and is well worth it if you enjoyed Batwoman #1. It has Elegy 1-4 and Go 1-3 in a cheaply priced trade paperback so you cant go wrong. Only bit that is missing is Cutter 1-3 which was the last bit they did for Batwoman in Detective Comics before they stopped. (Much to the surprise of Rucka and

TBH I dont think he is trying to slam Fleetwood's music. Kevin Drew has always struck me as an egomaniac. Go read This Book is Broken to read about the time he shamed Feist into never playing guitar and thus causing her to leave the band. In retrospect he says he never meant it to go that way but… the boy is just a

Having fun lumping together Canadian bands eh?
BSS grew out of the Toronto indie scene and Arcade Fire is from Montreal.

I have seen BSS in concert more than once and I have to say the other day I said to myself "I wish they would stop performing Anthems for a Seventeen Year Old Girl without Emily Haines." Well that is one way of doing it.

Hell to the yes on Batwoman. Here is hoping AVClub gives it some love as more people need to pick up that title. It is truly excellent despite all the anxiety I had with Greg Rucka leaving DC and having to abandon the title in the process.

Larry, Not all choices in games are illusions unless you are going to go down the rabbit hole about what is Choice anyway and that is a discussion better served for Bioshock.

The first one made me rage quit, so why am I even thinking about playing this one?
When you get to that Spiderman moment in the first one were you have to make the big big plot choice and then find out that it wasn't an effing choice at all and X dies no matter what you choose… I rage quit the game.