detective daughter

Righto. But because of Bradley Cooper's scene at the track you are figuring they are setting up a lingering triangle. (Which they do in other ways! Can't compete with a dead guy though…)

Woah. Coincidence.
I recently rewatched the whole series a couple months ago and was amazed how well some parts of it held up (the pilot, season 4) and some didn't (season 3 and 5).

Tired of "newspaper plots"?
The original spark for this show was "ripped from the headlines" and it seems like the Kings are very wired in, so I would think that those kinds of plots are going to go absolutely nowhere.

The Kingdom is rather under-rated IMHO. Highly enjoyable and tense final action sequence.

When GRRM takes the time out of his day to write an April Fools joke on his blog mocking the fact he has taken so long to finish the series he officially loses my sympathy.

Olivia straight up says she was 3 years old in 1981 when the drug trials started in season 1. Thus in 85 we can assume she is 8. So if she looked 8 to you then they got that one thing right.

I have to agree it was extra weird in the way you said. Totally looked like they were going for UES. I just think the number of us that are going to notice geographical/architectural issues is really low. And from that number the percentage of us will nitpick online is extraordinarily high, including me. I am just

People complain about the buzzing around the East Coast thing a great deal, but as was mentioned in the show before they probably fly a ton. Season 1 Broyles was all "Get the Bishops I have a plane waiting" etc etc. Now it is just implied. 30 minute flights from Boston to NYC plus a private airport (like Teterboro)

Age is but a number…?
The Good Wife has always played it fast and loose with age.

Hooray ratings!

Timeline Fail or Just Skip To The End
The mind reader got kicked out of the Ohio State trial because Walter was worried he would have known about Peter? Impossible. The Ohio State trial was in '81 and and Peter was abducted in '85.

Not trying to beat a dead horse but I concur on the Fauxlivia pronunciation. I agree that it 100% has to be a fan shout-out. It was just too blatant!


I agree with Lawdog. Real people get annoyed when you are too obtuse or trying to be clever with them.

I had concert tickets last night for 3 bands and 4 hours of awesome. I am shamed to say I didn't leave my house until 30 seconds after the episode ended and missed the first 2 bands. (Too bad I don't have Neilsen box.)

When you retire from the military you keep your rank. A lot of FBI agents can be ex-Military. So along with being whatever he is in Fringe Division he is also a Colonel on the side. If he left Fringe and went back to the military (I won't speculate as to which branch because multiple branches both that designation

Season 2 Episode 1 where Broyles is called in front of a Senate committee:
"The salad days are over Mr. Broyles."
"Or Special Agent as you prefer Senator."

Anna Torv
Could we get this woman an Emmy already? No? No chance in an alternate universe?

Surgical Marker
Does Earth-2 use crap marker for surgery? Surgical marker is scrub resistant and will make you miserable trying to remove it. No way Olivia could have gotten it off with a few wipes of a hankie.