

Weekend At Richie's

The exact thing I said to my girlfriend last night! SCUBA!
And yes, blank, "who give's a shit" stare did ensue.

My grandmother worked at the Richway at Jimmy Carter and Lawrenceville Hwy when it was sold to Target. Those skylight things were an odd choice.

Matt tells Claire that he can tell she’s bleeding because “I can taste the copper…”

My gf and I own the movie poster for Cabin because it was our first movie date. And because it was awesome.

They should be so lucky.

intentional humor

Look. I'm drunk. I'm at a Denny's in fucking Lethbridge, Alberta. It's 2:30 am and Marilyn Manson walks in. I'm punching him because I'm obviously passed out dreaming.

Same here. Are we the same person?

My favorite DLM was the "Cake Boss", "Don Demillo", "El Chupacabra" episode. It's silly as hell.

After some thought, the answer for 'N' is Napalm Death.

They basically won "Rock Band Survivor"

Rainbow and Altar got a lot of repeat plays at my house

This list will not be bought.

I always forget which "Deer-" band I hate.
Deerhoof is not it.

Remarkably, the writers have created characters that act exactly as would be expected when raised in an environment of self-destructive narcissism. They have all taken on their own version of their parents' worst traits.

We suck.

I hate white people…

Stop making fun of fat people!!