
Six seasons and a movie?

Independent Distilling in Atlanta does tours and tastings and their Bourbon is amazing.

It was literally a 5 dollar, flea market mp3 player.

I'm struggling to think of heavier songs to add to this, as the majority of those in the piece and in the comments are of the more indie rock variety, but Tool's "Wings" (especially part 2 for me), is a perfect answer.

The most telling part for me were the looks the Alibi regulars gave each other in that scene.

Okay, I'm not busy, so I'll spell it out for you.
Dikachu's comment was that he'd watch Conan interview anyone. When he rebuked your Colbert suggestion, your reply was to bring up individual examples of SOME good Colbert interviews, displaying your misunderstanding of his original premise, that ALL Conan interviews are

Finally laid in and finished Neal Stepenson's Anathem. Immediately started reading it again.

Kinda proving his point by bringing up specific examples.

Loved that it was Mike (or was it Ike?) from Limitless.

Sounds like he's just trying to Make A V Club Great Again.

Cobalt - Slow Forever

David Cross on the latest episode of Cum Town is uncomfortable and hilarious.

I saw The Wolverine sans subtitles for the Japanese parts. It made zero difference, the dialogue in that film was as inconsequential as continuity to Bryan Singer.

Lighten up, Francis.

It's the whole carrot/stick thing. It just never occurs to the millions being baited that there's only one carrot.

How about a challenge that doesn't involve the LARGELY UNAIRED process of digging in the sand for a fucking hour! That's not entertaining for anyone. I may be using a harsh term here, but how is that not just torture?

Look, if we're going to judge this show based on reality, these people should all be in jail.

I remember hearing bootlegged demos of the 3rd Quicksand album. I think most of ended up as Rival Schools songs.

What are you talking about?

I miss Mickey. Seriously the most interesting character on that show.