
As long as they keep the now standard King deus ex machina cop out.

2. No


It's amazing how little information you got correct in this post.

"Oscar drags Maria to a very grouchy diner for hilariously tossed salads!"


No, my exasperation comes from the pedantry that has devolved into a compete rewriting of history. I've never seen anyone claim that Nolan didn't have a significant involvement with the making of Man of Steel, until this very thread.

Jesus Christ…

"He didn't write Man of Steel, either."

Didn't say he did. But apparently you think movies are made by one person.

Ah, 2012, a simpler time it was… Or so my grandfather would tell us.

Duncan makes up for his wackiness by being genuinely funny. That said, I can't listen to his podcast. It's just too much unchecked Trussell.

Ha, snagged it!

Lucky bastard…

Seriously. Kevin Feige read this news yesterday and hasn't stopped laughing since.

Boobs, right? She's the one with boobs.

Well, maybe they didn't want it to look like he was being picked on by a bigger guy when he fought the Hulk.

hehe, "back up"
