
Sodomy (/ˈsɒdəmi/) is generally anal or oral sexual activity between people or sexual activity between a person and a non-human animal (bestiality), but may also include any non-procreative sexual activity.

I don't know if you're aware how most puppets work, but they've been into sodomy for a looooooong time.

Amy: “Writing things down is nerdy? What do you do?”
Rosa: “Just forget stuff like a cool person.”


Well, photographing people in public is not illegal. At least not in New York.

Talk to your parents! HEYO!!!

Sounds logistically daunting, and though perhaps the polite thing to do, legally unnecessary.

Just like Animal House.

Didn't they? Basically?

It insists upon itself…

Star Wars VII: The Force Smells Bacon!

I've watched the first 3 (maybe 4) episodes. The pilot was definitely weak. The following episodes improve upon one another, but it's still not great. Tone Bell is the best part of the show for me, so far.

I still find it hard to believe anyone ever liked this character.

You can name the other guys?

You obviously haven't pictured the old man mid-coitus…

I'm still laughing at “a couple of hairless cats fighting in pizza dough.”

Maybe he was afraid he didn't have any say since HE ATE ALL THE FUCKING FOOD! (obviously not just him, but he was as much a part of it as anyone on the original Hunahpu tribe)

That's how I pick my wives, Survivor strategic skills!

Meanwhile, in the AV Club's writers' meeting:

The "creepy" Rob Lowe one got me.