
They always seemed to be ripping Prong off more than Ministry, to me.

"Thanks, Guitar World! I never could have figured out drop-D tuning and palm muting without you!"

Pretty sure we were already laughing by 2002.

Shit, I have 5 episodes stagnating on my DVR as it is. Fucker's gonna fill up before I'm miserable enough to watch this season.

I agree! Glorifying murder, with an avatar no less, that most sacred of things, is abhorrent!

Yes, he loved Hollywood.

I wish I could upvote articles.

When I say Niggy, you say nuthin

Eh, I enjoyed it at the time. Though thinking about it now, I don't think I've listened to it at all this year… So if I'm being honest with myself, whatever appealed to me about it didn't last for long. Though that's frequently the case with me and pop music.

It's OK, you can still be righteously indignant against TMZ.

The first thing I took away from Yeezus was the music. The second thing was the childishly psychotic egocentricity of the lyrics. If it were anyone else, it would have been parody.

#11 - The Protomen

I also bought a couple. I'm sure if he believes the stuff he wrote in Conspiracy, he doesn't give a shit.

Hitler had a couple decent paintings.

Wait, is Boogie Nights a sequel to Transformers?

Why can't he just want a codpiece?

Quick, tell me the subject of any BB song after Licensed to Ill.

Reminds me of a statement against a certain church accepting homosexuality. A person said, "I don't believe God would go against scripture." Um…

Keeping on subject: Bonnie McFarlane's documentary Women Aren't Funny comes out on iTunes this month.

Well, I don't think he said, "God, I love this joke."