
Yes, and now his book is #1 on Amazon because the easily duped morons are ordering it in "protest."

"Voltron of idiots" is my new favorite thing ever. Thank you so much!

I Googled it, but all I see is some asshole's documentary?

Except for her remarkable Wolverine-level healing factor. She got the shit kicked out of her, and doesn't have a mark on her "two hours" later.

It's adorable that your idea of "full-bore racist" is wordplay.

I didn't click on the other article, is this the movie where I can get the pot?

Now Stern's the guy you can hang out with 3 days a week and talk about how great 'America's Got Talent' is.

No, I'm implying Land, aside from the tracing thing, also couldn't draw a convincing facial expression to save his life.

If Yu bothers you, I'd suggest you avoid Greg Land.

"11% of MSNBC viewers actually believed that Occupy Wall Street protesters were Republicans"

Well, it is named for him.


Filth Pig is a great album

For some reason, I confused Scott Walker with BUTCH Walker. I can't imagine how horrible/incredible that collaboration would be.


Just screen cap their posts, listen to the recent Cracked podcast about the food industry and how weight loss is temporary at best, and wait for time and Arby's to take course.

"Advocate" implies they have the energy to do anything.

Most people shouldn't use social media.

OMG!!! Marley & Me SPOILER ALERT!!!!!!

At least we still have a Muslim president.