
"but in retrospect, it just saved me the time and expense of a second viewing."
Wait, second viewing? How does one get a film spoiled for them after seeing it?


Titus? I love Stacy Keach!!

I mean, 30 Rock? Glengarry Glen Ross? Pretty much anything else? But The Shadow?

Thought this was gonna be about how much we miss the Loud columns.

How offensive!
Why would you cut the picture above the creepy cleavage?!

*slowly backs away*

I was about to ask, "Who said the n-word?" but then I remembered the Gibson phone calls. I bet Oldman's happy he didn't defend that incident.

That's cute, but it's not the way the human mind works. We all earn at different rates. Again, it's not a good thing or something we should just ignore and forgive. But losing our fucking minds every time it happens doesn't change anything and makes others defensive.

a proposition asserting something to be true either of all members of a certain class or of an indefinite part of that class

That looked like a joke.

What this really comes down to is "old people vs. young people." It's hard for someone who has grown up in a substantially more socially liberal time to understand the viewpoint of someone who didn't.

Yeah, those "conservatives" like Alec Baldwin…

Just listened to it. It is most likely the production, but "Diamond In The Witch House” is pretty much unlistenable. Holy shit. The rest of the album has its moments, but the production is really turning me off.

I'm glad they continue the tradition of including a song with Scott Kelly. His vocals on "Crack the Skye" give me chills. As much as I love Neurosis, there's something about Kelly and Mastodon together that really does it for me.

Allow me to direct you to Bar Rescue, Restaurant:Impossible, Restaurant Stakeout, Mystery Diners, and Hotel Impossible for your humiliating sub-minimum wage worker needs.

So, they're bringing Dexter back?

Fine. But what about cheese?

Free train rides!!

"It's not the worst thing that ever happened" so it must be OK.