
I love this idea, and the more I think about conditions in certain African nations, the more plausible it seems…

Anyone else already bored with all the Hodor-Groot mashups on the horizon?

Agreed. Case in point:
Ulysses - 442 pages.


My mom has worked at Target for around 25 years, but she has been in her current position for over 20. She cannot advance without a college degree that would cost her more than it would pay off for her at her age. So instead, she answers to 25 year old "executives" with any number of degrees that are unrelated to

"…in talking about how he could refuse so much money to keep doing a show
he was already tired of (a decision that Letterman can’t quite
comprehend, for obvious reasons)"

I also just finished writing (this sentence.)

I wouldn't want anyone to think I had seen / enjoyed this garbage.

Adam McKay? Oh good, at least now we know it won't be a comedy.

I almost want a Yo, Frankenstein poster.


There has never been any way to transfer files from an iPod to another device.

My Android tablet hasn't worked for shit since it upgraded to KitKat…

Yeah, stop projecting your hipster-douche O'Neal-ness onto Hamill. He's doing just fine.

The Happening?

Nice guy. Unless you consider his criminal record.

Actually, I'm not missing the point, I'm just failing to make my point in an effective way.

So it's okay to use that word if you're getting paid to use it?

Of course, but if it's so "mortifying," why is it okay in any context?

Was he genuinely mortified when he said it in "Wolf of Wall Street"? Oh wait, It's OK if it's for an Oscar.