
We have lawyers for that.

3 minutes?

So? I'm separated from my wife and we haven't had more than a 2 minute conversation in the last 6 months. We don't have kids together, and neither do Jack and Meg, so there's nothing that ties us together. That's what it means to separate/divorce someone.

Nobody really liked "The Departed."

I find it hard to believe that Bill Cosby's lower lip was actually dragging on the floor. It seems medically impossible. -CS

Horse video? I'm afraid to click another "horse video."

James Franco: Not the James Franco we need, but the James Franco we deserve.
-James Franco

I also love Joel, but I fear that CBS won't know what to do with him and he'll just turn into Kilborn 2.0

"Have you ever killed a man? Well, I did. Like 20 minutes ago. Let me wax philosophical about it and then try to get some movement out of your obviously creeped-out, flaccid dick."

Yeah, it's cute when "brilliant, super-scientists" demonstrate a grade-school (mis-)understanding of the relation of the laws of thermodynamics and the animal metabolism.

Wait, how many "Brothers" shows does HGTV have? I thought this was gonna be about the Property Brothers, but those guys are too nice… and dreamy.

I hear a grandparent.

Thanks to the We Hate Movies podcast, I learned that I was wrong to think of this as a harmless, bland, forgettable comedy. It is truly one of the most actively, offensively terrible movies ever created.

How convenient that I'm moving that weekend and won't have TV until the 19th. Very nice.

I thought you quit playing this game… oh wait, wrong site.

Maybe Comcast customers can stream HBO now…

Thank you for very succinctly expressing what I'm sure I would have fumbled with. I wouldn't say I was that bothered by the scene, given that it has been well established that Jaime is a world class piece of shit who has only shown vulnerability when it benefits him. But "she eventually consents" is a really bad

I like it because I can play along at home and feel smug myself.

I still occasionally listen to the Evil Stig album. It's a fun, if not somewhat over-polished version of The Gits' originals.

I made it through two episodes. And I almost walked out in the middle of the second one. I don't see how anyone made it all the way through.