
I refuse to believe that people like Alexis, that show up with zero ability to play the game and no skills of value to their teams, are "huge fans."

Jonah Hill would be wrong. He's just creepy looking when he's skinny.

Well, not in 3D, at least…

*pfft* Being social with people you can see without a thousand dollars worth of tech? Old people are so weird…

This could have been "Fresh Princess of Riyadh."

I'll say it. Fuck you, I love Morgan!

"it is Showtime, so…"

It's literally the first thing my brain goes to.

See? I didn't even remember it was on NBC.

Did they cancel that show with the Will & Grace guy that even Tom's presence couldn't keep me watching?

Too soon!

Yet, you haven't watched it so your opinion means nothing.

And also, they stop counting DVR views after 1 week.

Ground Floor on TBS

I thought it was just the opposite. Like the people who say Chris Hardwick isn't a "real nerd" because he has a girlfriend and doesn't get winded checking the mail.

You won't get an argument from me there. Ratings systems in general have been archaic for decades.

"That being said, TBBT just proves Broadcast Television is dead."


There have been literally hundreds of bad multi-camera sitcoms, before and after the quality ones you mentioned. Relax, the sky is not falling.