
The current series is a decent introduction to the characters, but not great.

They tried. It was called Green Lantern. And it was abysmal.

For the record, I live in Georgia and my girlfriend is over 40.

"Manicured" is a strong word… they were hiding there because it had gotten so high

Considering I've run over hiding baby rabbits with the lawnmower and a rabbit's first instinct is to freeze when detected, it's not that farfetched.

I don't understand how EVERYONE is lost, just walking distance from the prison. Did all the maps magically disappear in the zombie apocalypse?

Yeah, I didn't recall her saying nephew either.

All I could think of during this scene was the last episode of M*A*S*H.

And the award for "Holy Shit, they look more recognizable as the comic characters they're portraying than fucking Batman" goes to…

Age of consent is 16 in Georgia…

People who say "Robocop 2 was terrible" didn't see Robocop 3.

Reload is unlistenable to me. While Load I will always defend as a perfectly good hard rock album.

Kabletown 4 Lyfe!

I'm so proud that since my company bought NBC/Universal, it has spiraled into incompetent mediocrity.

What Ryan fails to mention is that Fallon Fox fought several women, with a clear physical advantage, WITHOUT divulging the fact that she was born a man to the promoters or her opponents.
Scarlett's case is much different, since a man has no advantage over a woman, as far as I know, at Starcraft.

"topless bars"
Thought she said tapas. You only make that mistake once…

This thread… Thought I slipped and fell into a CNN.com disqus for a minute…

"Listeners may want to stop listening before D&D…"

I watched the first 2 episodes and dropped it. Is it worth continuing or are the "brilliant scientists" still making the stupidest decisions imaginable?

I'll never get used to seeing him without the visor.