
Same here. The fact that they kept dropping and restarting the documentary structure was as lazy as the allegory the movie was built on. It would have been a fine dumb action movie if they didn't keep insisting it was smart.

I didn't think the show could get better after the MM vs. MIB stuff, but I always forget the effect Norton has on crowds that aren't as familiar with him. A Maria Bamford/Jim Norton podcast would make me the happiest person alive.

I'm sorry. Are we all forgetting that he took the name from an insect killing product? Why does he think he has any right to the name at all?

These guys are still around? I just checked and their last album came out in 2005…

Interesting. So the "smartest folks on the internet" (which I've never heard before) can only make this claim (that nobody has ever seriously made) if they agree with you and fall into line accordingly. Brilliant!

More absurd than anybody over 13 caring what other people wear?

Victor Mature, IRS Agent to the (kinda) stars!

Back then, shows didn't get cancelled as quickly and were given a chance to find their audiences. See: Cheers. Nowadays, I'm surprised when some shows last through the first commercial break.

Tell your friend: "YES!!"

I'm officially done with this show. There isn't one decent person in this town worth rooting for. I want them all dead. The world will be better off without them.

Citation needed…

"Fourth, nerding out on Frasier is possibly the worst nerdery I've ever heard of. Kelsey Grammer, really?"

My favorite is the Kevin Heffernan episode, because I listened to someone derail a story for thirty minutes with unfunny anecdotes and screaming laughter, turned it off before the story ever materialized, and unsubscribed forever.

Nice observation, Guy Who Doesn't Get The Joke.

I sometimes do the same thing. I like the cut of her jib.

Though he can be exhausting at times, I thought this particular appearance was successful and produced some really funny moments.

Sure, I can film it!

Mystery Team is one of those movies that I love but can't seem to get anyone else to even give a chance. Just like coprophagia…

And Yellow & Green wasn't "diluted?" I love when an interesting metal band eschews all its potential and releases a bland indie rock shitheap.

Those were jokes!?