
I see Podmass has finally given up on Mohr Stories. As an early fan, I can't say I blame you at all. What started out as an interesting show with good guests, rapidly fell in quality and redundancy (no, I'm not listening to another Barry Katz episode, thanks Jay).  It's just really inconsistent and the few enjoyable

Men, we hate doctors.

There are GODS fighting ALIENS!

@washington No. Why would they? Favreau doesn't have to direct a movie to act in it.

It's absolutely scripted. Si made a fucking Foo Fighters joke, for Christ's sake. But I have to say, their acting/delivery is no worse, and often better than most modern multi-camera sitcoms. I never get angry at the corny jokes the way I do when I see "Big Bang Theory." Maybe I just don't have any expectations? It's

OK, but Duck Dynasty is still on, right? Love that show…

I'll settle for a creative death.

Yeah, not sure why that DLM got relegated to "the Rest" status. Hannibal was hilarious throughout. "I don't wanna win like that either!" Listening to the other one now and it's good, but not noticeably "better." Also #nigAIDS

"Per usual, Eddie Pepitone shows up to scream." *sigh* If only…

Apparently, the presence of said cameras set off the apocalypse.

Yeah! Jokes must only be at the expense of those I decide are worthy! Fuck her!

Agreed wholeheartedly. Technical proficiency doesn't make someone entertaining or funny. See also: Frank Caliendo

Saw SOD in '99, as well, in Atlanta. To this day, the craziest, most fun I've ever had at a show. Incredible.

My new band is called Unexpected Tracheotomy… we shred! 

Whether you find him funny or not, Colin Quinn is almost always the consummate comedy professional. He'll just as gladly be the joke as tell the joke.

Well, it may only be "get-table" to you, but you're in the clear minority here.

I'm sorry, what terrible comic shop are you going to that doesn't carry Dark Horse? They published Star Wars, Buffy, Aliens, etc., not exactly "arthouse." Isn't IDW the company that publishes Transformers and G.I. Joe? Again, kinda mainstream. I mean, I've seen Dark Horse comics in grocery stores…

The operative word in your sentence being "a". He got down-voted to hell and back, and if you read the responses, you'd see that the majority of the people get the joke and love the show.

As someone who was glad to see them covering Mohr Stories, I have to say that ever since they did, the guests/shows have been somewhat lackluster. The earlier shows were much better.

It's unfortunate how little attention the east coast comics get here, though not surprising. I'm way more of a fan of Bobby on his podcast than on O&A, where he's usually just there to absorb fat jokes. Riotcast has some great podcasts, but there aren't any LA middle acts talking about their pilots, so Podmass isn't