
Fuck. I really like this song. Honestly haven't listened to her since Tidal, which I still have in cassette form in a box somewhere…

She looks like her wardrobe is picked out by an 8 year old.

@Nudeviking:disqus As opposed to the dog in A Boy and His Dog who is telepathic because apocalypse

What I learned from reading the comments on Metzger's FB post: Kelly Fastuca is much hotter than Bobby Kelly gives her credit for.

Teared up way earlier than you guys. Tracy and Kenneth's scene was all I needed.

I don't know what Chuck Palahniuk acts like…

So, rape = bad, murder = funny.

He's Australian, he calls everyone cunts.

That's what my girlfriend thought until ten minutes into the first episode.

Also because, nobody watches the Nuggets.

I "peacock" your comment.

Ha Ha Poop!

American Horror Stories, from a couple weeks ago, I assume. Was pretty awesome.

That explains it.

I'm gonna have to go back and watch it again, but how did I completely not recognize John Ratzenberger as Steve and Billy's dad!?

Yeah, Jim has always talked about how he was a nobody in Australia and didn't get anywhere in comedy until he moved to the UK. And that was part of the reason his mother never believed he was actually successful.

SyFy cancelled something prematurely? Say it ain't so!

Too bad The Blues Brothers and MacGruber weren't actually very good.

"Shit" was the obvious missing word in a sentence. Not bleeped, just disappeared.
