
I liked him in high school, but I was in high school at the time, so

I would have thought Airplane! could win.

I didn't know the Galifinakis backlash had started already. I guess I probably should have guessed it.

Why can't anyone spell "Barack"? It's not that hard.


They brought in the burglar in 1985. I don't think people who are 25 years old have bedtimes.

Yeah…if the intent was to equate the level of humor in Family Guy to that of MST3K, I'm going to have to call shenanigans.

"Sometimes a single TV episode can exemplify the spirit of its time and the properties that make television a unique medium. A Very Special Episode presents The A.V. Club's survey of TV at its most distinctive."

I agree on the Shakespeare comment. Honestly, I've never liked any of his comedies.

I don't know how likely this one is, but…
Star Trek: The Next Generation, "The Best of Both Worlds."

The Office has had two of them this season alone, I think.

I prefer Space Mutiny and Parts: The Clonus Horror. But I don't know what would make either one a "very special episode."

It was even more unrealistic in that almost all of the things she told them to do were wrong, or at least inferior options compared to what Pam/Jim wanted to do. I'd hope a frickin' maternity nurse would know better in real life.

I'm going to go with Bill Simmons here.

A friend of mine the other night said that he'd only seen one Star Trek movie, and it was the one where they all sang around a campfire. I almost cried.

da Condom FATHER
I'm sorry, I'm just really not comfortable with that one at all.

Since P&R is basically the Fire Joe Morgan TV show at this point, I feel like I should start watching it.

Concurred, since I prefer Tunnels, Power Out, and Rebellion from that album alone.

Desmond had goddamn better well be in the plot this season. He's my current favorite character, and they already took away my all-time fave (Mr. FREAKING Eko) and almost killed Sayid.

I found it an immature reaction — not the grief, but the placement of blame on Jack. It was Faraday's plan, Jack just went along with it. I guess Faraday's dead (or is he? who knows with this show), so he's not there to get yelled at…but I found myself wanting to punch Sawyer for two hours tonight. And I fear this is