"I also think that it will turn out that this universe isn't supposed to be, that everything will become terrible not only for the characters, but for their world."
"I also think that it will turn out that this universe isn't supposed to be, that everything will become terrible not only for the characters, but for their world."
Best response to a multiple posting ever.
Favorite example: the one where he shows his dad the pictures of Hobbes pouncing on him when he gets home from school.
@ Stink, Steve: I'm the same way with Arcade Fire and Postal Service.
I love this show
…but is John Oliver ever coming back? I know he's got that show on Comedy Central now, but Joel McHale's on two shows and he seems to be doing fine.
Really? They were mentioned twice when I visited.
I liked the brief scene of Ryan still having to work in the closet.
I want to see a screen-door factory!
That was beautiful.
Agreed, SaveRivers.
I find Chartex's idea interesting. I wonder if any of the people who have been showing up on Tonight the past week or so will have the balls to refuse to appear with Leno. I don't have much faith in that actually happening, but it would be nice if it did.
Evidently my shift key doesn't work. Oops.
The fact that there is a person who thought The Lost World the movie was superior to the Lost world the book makes me a sad panda.
I don't quite know how to say this, but…dee-ah-but-us.
I believe Vermeer was known as the Black Mamba. Nicolaes Maes, on the other hand, was called the Akron Hammer.
Having sex while listening to mewithoutYou is an interesting experience.
The fact that I got this joke is directly related to the fact that I need to leave my house more often.
The fact that you call it pop pop tells me that you aren't ready.
"'Cause of parents' death'? Got in my way…"
I liked this exchange: