
It's a great comment, although it does miss out on the part where the good doc explains what those things are to a nonplussed Lennie Briscoe.

Van Alden p.i. Nelson relocates to L.A. where he and Jimmy solve crimes while occasionally performing 'baptisms' on the beach. Nucky will drop in every now and again and never question why Jimmy is there . . . by God, I think we've got it. Someone call Mike Post, we need a rocking 80's theme tune!

Is the band pronounced Steely DAN-ish or Steely DANE-ish? I need closure on that story, godammit!

Póg mo thóin!

I'm relieved to read this. When I saw Nabin had joined the exodus I thought the AV Club was replacing everyone with their non-union, Mexican equivalent. Now we can instead safely riff on that concept:

I've quoted so often from the Pay It Forward entry for My Year of Flops that my wife has started calling me Jon Fucking Bon Jovi. Or should that be Jon Bon Fucking Jovi?

*adopts Rod Steiger in The Pawnbroker pose*

"This can create the impression of a Dick and Jane reader, except that it’s a reader where Dick and Jane get a record deal, only to learn that their agent overdosed on drugs he bought with their advance money. "
I'd read that book.

"This can create the impression of a Dick and Jane reader, except that it’s a reader where Dick and Jane get a record deal, only to learn that their agent overdosed on drugs he bought with their advance money. "
I'd read that book.

"There once was a saying that the sun always shone on the British Empire"

"There once was a saying that the sun always shone on the British Empire"

It was a valiant effort at deflecting the joke. It didn't work though

Ehviva Jay Shermaneh, ehviva Quebeceh . . ehviva Jay Shermaneh, ehviva Quebeceh . . . *smack*

Will watching a League Cup semi-final between two top division teams be any more fun? Please let me know in the next six hours

I've only seen one episode of Dragnet (the 50's version) and only really know about it as a source of cheap pop culture gags like in The Simpsons. But I gobbled up every word of this fantastic piece. 
Joyeux Noel, Noel.

"He’s like a cinematic Medusa: Everything he touches turns to stone"

Oh Jesus, oh my pants are wet

Chris Columbus was less cynical of working with kids after his experience on the first two Harry Potter films. He said that he would ask Daniel Radcliffe to do something and he'd do it without fuss, even saying thank you for the advice. Ultimately the child actor in Stolen Summer couldn't act. It's not a commentary on

"let's balance that by giving $11.99 to a homeless person"