
Am I the only one who thinks Kari looks a little on the scrawny side this season? It's as if she put on a few pounds post-pregnancy so she's become a diet freak to compensate. Okay, it's proably just me.

Hell yeah. He likes to listen and she never shuts up. A marriage made in heaven.

I knew a guy
who asked an American who their favo(u)rite American band was, and they said "U2".

Good to see so many Micks on AV Club
Now who's for a song about guns and drink?

Glad you like the name
They were called Marathon bars in Britain and Ireland until about twenty years ago. That was a great name for a bar. Shame on you, Mars, and your ruthless pursuit of homogeneity

Am I the only one who sees "ICE to see you" and variations on the theme, and can't resist saying it in Arnie's voice? If I am, well, hasta la vista. Baby.

What a fantastic new word! Plotzed! Who needs puns when you can plotz? Cheers, Chartex

They seem to be piling up. Good. Fiasco was being used too often for comfort.

Incompetent managers
"Throughout both the American and English versions of The Office, certain nagging questions have persisted. Namely, how do operations as poorly run, wasteful and anachronistic as the titular businesses manage to stay in business in a competitive world? And how could such a transparently

Stan Collymore
Gagh, I was afraid someone would mention Stanley Victor Collymore. Had that talented wastrel pulled the finger out in his two years at Liverpool we wouldn't be nudging a second full decade without the title. As it is . . .

Packing away your CD's
Occasionally my wife will sort through her massive CD collection, putting the ones she doesn't think she'll listen to any time soon to the bottom of the pile.

Season Three
Just finished watching Season Three over on this side of the pond, and boy, did House's schtick become unbearable. I wondered from the start how long his colleagues would put up with him, whether it was Cuddy ignoring sexist (and hurtful) comments or Wilson tolerating a friend who only took took took and

Might try Martin
But I'm waiting until he finishes it. 15 bloomin' years reading Jordan . . .

Ghost Woman
Have to agree, my eyes water when she appears on screen.

I read the Lord of the Rings as background for a video game I had bought, and the librarian suggested I might like Pawn of Prophecy. And I did. It was simply a ripping good yarn, with the fantasy environment allowing for some splendid moustache-twirling villains and the travelogue element allowing his (and

Glory days
"it didn't exactly whisk me back to the show's so-called glory days. Then again, after nearly two decades, that would be a pretty silly thing to hope for anyway."

Support acts
Aren't support acts pretty much an essential crowd control measure? Even if only 20% of the audience are in the venue by the time they finish their set, it reduces the scrum of drunk and/or stoned people at the door trying to get in all at the same time so they don't miss anything they're warming up let

Goodness, he was young. I was only yesterday reading a post from his nephew (I think) on his blog saying how RJ planned to beat the odds.

FAO Adler
Here you go

Waking Ned
was / is set in Ireland. But it still falls into the subset of Cute / Plucky / Idiosyncratic-English-People-Comedy comedies, filled with people who react with such wit and verve to adversity that you wonder how they got into trouble in the first place.