Death N Texas

My favorite is 17. Fond of Leather? Are these kids growing up in the seventies leather bar culture. Have teenagers really been having sex so long that they have moved on to fetish wear?

watched it again last night. I love it. I love solid noir. What really surprised me though was how beautiful it looked. The cinematography is beyond great.

maybe walter-a killed walter-b. That could fuck you up and put y0u in a mental ward.

For me James Cameron falls into George Lucas category. He can make things that look really cool, but are nearly always fatally flawed by hoky dialogue and high school quality acting. I hope avatar will be good, but I don't dare hope too much.

I really hated cars. It was the first Pixar film that felt like it was pandering. Having said that, it still looked amazing.

I once knew a Vulcan from Nantucket….

Great Walter tonight.
I genuinely like the Walterisms and such, but this episode really showed his humanity. Usually the insanity is played for its quirks and mad scientist element, but tonight you saw the pain of it for him. The scene in the coffee shop was absolutely heartbreaking.

The All Hitler Singing Variety Hour is on Fox, though.

The show was not perfect, but i think it was just beginning to find its pace. The last few shows dealt less with "quirk" and were far better at satire and farce.

I had to include this link. Wrong on so many levels.

You must remember that even the worst systems can sometimes be exploited for gain by the exploited themselves. The question becomes what gain at what cost? I do not blame those who participated in minstrel shows because it was an institution of the times, but looking at it in historical context, it has to be said that

Its not too late to see at least some of the playboys. Johnny Gimble is still out there swinging.

Take me back to Tulsa
Has always been a favorite novelty song of mine. My favorite are the seldom recorded verses that are filled with innuendo and double entendre.

Well, now that we have established what you are
all we have to discuss is price.

Clooney may not be curing cancer, but he is also intelligent enough to know that.

I trust Ebert for his honesty. He doesn't pretty it up or prove how bad something is. I believe he actually means what he says in his reviews and is not trying to win a pissing contest or show how great he is.

What I think sets him apart is the fact that everything he does is natural. In the beginning he was a Russian mobster, and I believed that he was and did not suspect he was a doll. Last week, he was playing a horse trainer and his performance was very natural and real. Outside characters had no reason to suspect him

This is old news, but really we are only 6 (5?)hrs into the story. Seriously, where would this show be if….

Yeah, Tudyk is cool
But I tell you (and it has been said before on these posts), Enver Gjokaj is going to be the break out star from this series. Every character he plays is effortless and unique. He puts all the hammy actors to shame really.

If you are a fan of bass singing, find Isaac Freeman's "Beautiful Stars". Be aware, it is gospel music (he was with the Fairfield Four), but it is sweet, sweet singing.