Death N Texas

I can't say I will buy it (or even listen to it again), but I will always have a soft spot for unusual covers. It really doesn't matter how "good" they are as long as they are not offensively bad.

I get the fact that the bass guy is kind of unique, but why is he the one standing by himself in both the photographs? Is he that big of a douche or were they afraid that putting him directly next to the others might emphasize how much plastic surgery he has had?

Considering that Fox and NBC have also put their non network productions (fox news, fox reality, universal studios/distribution, USA network), I would bet Disney will eventually move in that direction. I don't look for Disney movies to show up on Hulu, but I wouldn't be surprised to see their other TV brands (Espn,

I have never had a real problem with Hulu, and I have it on for very long periods of time as background noise. In fact, I have often wished other sites such as netflix would switch to the same software/hardware/configurations as hulu. I have never been disappointed with the image or sound quality.

To the original comment— Have you looked at Hulu's list of shows? Yeah, there are some great ones in there, but for every BSG there is also an "Archie Bunker's Place" and a "Reba".

No, they think they would be breaking international licensing/distribution contracts. And their advertisers would be wasting their money advertising products to people who are unable to buy them.

I'll jump on the ABC's player sucks bandwagon. The click to continue, the mismatched commercial time and time slot— it is petty complaints, but they add up.

Having said that, it would be nice to see some time devoted to the movement of Americana music which Haggard now associates himself with. I know it is kind of out of the scope, but….

If you are going to do a week on Tom T Hall, it doesn't make sense not to include these others. And thus the weakness of the form is exposed. It was the same disappointment I felt with Ken Burns' "Jazz". There is too much out there to cover in any logical or linear way. Seriously Ken Burns, how could you leave out

Better off Ted has hilarious concepts, but there is something about the presentation that bothers me. I Can't quite say what it is, but perhaps it is the constant wink to the audience.

Its the directness and personal nature of it that appeals to me.

I have been poor more of my life than I have been not. (I have never been well off). I think the part of this article I will take with me is the line that being proud of being poor is as ridiculous as being proud of being rich.

I get what you're saying, and I think we are in agreement, just talking past one another.

I have already made this mistake once with another show, so I ask—How do you know that this won't have some sort of future impact? I doubt that it will happen, but it could.

There has to be a second mole with a separate agenda.

VoR- I think the proof is in the pudding. Viewership has not really fluctuated from the beginning. Training wheels or no, they have not succeeded in increasing their ratings.

Yeah, it's all good. Last week I felt like they were going to use the "reset cheat" and completely destroy any through line the story might have. Boy was I wrong, and gladly so.

It' s rush hour. Give them time.

I agree, but with less enthusiastic malice.

They are all Aliens in a completely different world that only looks like our own because that is how they choose to present their history to us through the "story box" they placed in our living rooms.