Death N Texas

Here is a second vote for Vertigo. Stewart is one sick fuck in that one.

I got to say Willie Nelson's Hill Country Christmas is my favorite Christmas album. Nearly all standards sang with just Willie on guitar and sister Bobbie on the piano. So simple.

I haven't stroked the barrel for hours on end since I was in my twenties.

What I wouldn't give for a witch's nipple right now!

@protriou— actually, I am avid outdoorsmen and have been most of my life. I am not saying that I could jump a massive cravasse, but I am in decent shape and have a tremendous amount of knowledge on how to live off the land should I need, too. The one caveat for any survival, though, is familiarity with the

It is those staged moments that are the most unforgivable. He is supposedly giving survival advice, then performs some of the most unnecessarily dangerous stunts (just to show how tough he is?) that would get nearly anyone killed in a real wilderness situation.

Drama Queen
I still can't help thinking Bear is a poser. I know there are all kinds of disclaimers now about how it isn't real, but that still doesn't excuse the high drama and crap. I would rather watch anything by Ray Mears. Real tough guys aren't drama queens.

My problem is…
That there is no real visual style to it. If it looked as if everything took place in a fakey CG world, fine, but you have to set rules and follow them. If every time he goes into a fight rage you want to freeze a splatter of cgi blood, do it, but do it every time.

Anybody ever worked with someone who wanted to spend the whole day chit-chatting? It is really one of the most annoying behaviors anyone could have. Not to mention incredibly disruptive to the office.

I genuinely like this show, but….
This may be the most misogynistic show on TV. Between the harpy wife, her sister, and Quinn's attitude toward Finn, the women/girls of this show are the most hateful depictions of femininity on mainstream television. Add to that the lovesick crazy woman (migp), the ambition obsessed

I will not watch this
… but I laughed out loud at the ad with Dr. Drew wearing a stethoscope around his neck. You know, cause sex addiction may require constant pulmonary monitoring.

I'm there with you. Not a great show, but like burn notice it was fun. I have to admit that I found the whole buddy/buddy thing kind of refreshing compared to the usual antagonistic "thrown together against their will" buddy shows that have played out before. Not realistic, but enough subtlety to make it work. For

Did spongebob make you gay?

I want to know …
What the SECRET of the Christmas sweater. Maybe the sweater is the cause of all his craziness. Maybe it tells him to burn things.

My Theory
I agree that the show has lost some of its edge, but I think the majority of the disappointment may just be that everyone is now used to it— the rhythms, the jokes, the style— and that has knocked some of the shine off of it.

My Theory
I agree that the show has lost some of its edge, but I think the majority of the disappointment may just be that everyone is now used to it— the rhythms, the jokes, the style— and that has knocked some of the shine off of it.

Does this mean they will get rid of the commercials?

I was with this one until….
The villain went into his basement to steal the pilot's dream. It really is hard to remember he is sinister as he puts on a swimming cap with electrodes attached to it.

Yeah, between this week's B story and last week's A (multiple personalities) it seems the producers are spending their efforts on characters and going to the 90s cliche box for story.