
I love Catherine Tate but even her talent can't save this show.  But, at least she'll be fun to watch.

I love Catherine Tate but even her talent can't save this show.  But, at least she'll be fun to watch.

Reading this story after reading the Hunger Games has me wondering why writers now a days make the important, exciting things happen outside of the characters POV.   I really annoyed me in the last book that one of the most exciting scenes (a rescue, just to avoid spoilers) happened with Katniss at home playing with

Reading this story after reading the Hunger Games has me wondering why writers now a days make the important, exciting things happen outside of the characters POV.   I really annoyed me in the last book that one of the most exciting scenes (a rescue, just to avoid spoilers) happened with Katniss at home playing with

Simpsons did it!  (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Simpsons did it!  (Sorry, couldn't resist.)

Really happy to see this here.  One of my favorite shows and one I laughed at a kid but laughed at even more as an adult.  Missed a lot of great jokes when I was 12 that I now get at 41. 
Some of the jokes blend. Was this the one where he's reading a file on the guy and says "Married, child, didn't work so he married

Really happy to see this here.  One of my favorite shows and one I laughed at a kid but laughed at even more as an adult.  Missed a lot of great jokes when I was 12 that I now get at 41. 
Some of the jokes blend. Was this the one where he's reading a file on the guy and says "Married, child, didn't work so he married

Diddo here, last time I was dumped that line went through my head. 

Diddo here, last time I was dumped that line went through my head. 

If ABC was smart they'd do an entire summer of webshorts for Boss Co.  I'd totally watch a five minute short of Axel and his friends trying to do stuff that they have no experience or right to do.  Can you imagine them say, watching a child, helping the elderly, cleaning an attic, clearing a wasps nest, man, the

If ABC was smart they'd do an entire summer of webshorts for Boss Co.  I'd totally watch a five minute short of Axel and his friends trying to do stuff that they have no experience or right to do.  Can you imagine them say, watching a child, helping the elderly, cleaning an attic, clearing a wasps nest, man, the

She shows her boobs in the movie 30 minutes or less.

She shows her boobs in the movie 30 minutes or less.

Whatever you do, don't mention the war!

Seems like everyone is just pulling out of the project.

When I laughed at the shirt my wife pointed out he's worn that shirt before.  I said, "I know, it's still funny."  And it'll be funny the next time he wears it too.

Punisher War Zone when the Parkour guy gets hit with the rocket.  I thought that movie was eh, but I couldn't help but laugh and cheer when that happened, one of my favorite scenes of all time in any movie ever. 

Well, at least the wife is kind of hot. 

I thought it was pretty funny the event had a huge 1-800-Destist booth in it. Now that's good marketing!