
Must not buy
Must. . . not. . .buy. . must . . . not. . .buy
Ah, who am I kidding, I'm going to buy it. Damn you George Lucas!

More or less, only without Donald Sutherlan screeching at the end.
Actually, the way the invasion happen was pretty interesting, by the time human realized what was happening it was too late, the story takes place a few years after the invasion with a few pockets of humanity left trying to resist. I really did enjoy

I read The Host
I read The Host and found the first five chapters very good, then it was all downhill from there. I really like Saoirse but I don't want to see the film version of this book.

It's not a great book but there is a novel that deals with him, how he got into that mess and what he does afterwards.

No! No! Look away! Look away from the typo!

Shut up!

Good thing no one ever reads my comments or else that'd be an embarrassing typo.

A king without a sword! A country without a king!
Sounds like i should just rewatch Excalbut the movie.

The Game: Worst epsiode ever
I couldn't wait to see the review of The Game. I remember watching it the first time and thinking, "this is so stupid." I think the basic problem was that everyone was acting out of character and it just made no sense to me that no one could figure out something was wrong.
And, of

Oh! My! God! What is that girl in the last photo doing!?!?

Star Blazers still holds up for the most part, there are still some very silly and badly done episodes but I defy anyone to hate the last ten Episodes of the Comet Empire series on a dramtic level. Sure, some of the animation is crude but when everything comes together in the end it's still really powerful stuff!

Sue has always been the best character on the show. In the early goings she was much, much sadder but she always had this cheerfulness that cracked me up. We only saw her get mad one time, at her mom when she forgot to mail the parent permission slip for a trip, after that she's been just a little bit less of a

A superhero is only as good as the villans he has to fight. I really thought last nights The Cape was the best of the season because the villans were so neat. You look at any great Superhero movie, TV show or comic and you'll find that the worst stories have the worst villians.
I think that's what The Cape

Actually I'm betting she and her son moved out after thier father 'died.' Don't think they mentioned it more than once, if at all, but that's why she's living in an appartment. None of the flashbacks are in the apartment, they're all in that home.

Getting people to watch
I had a friend who never watched the show and I kept telling him to try it. Bubble boy was the first episode he ever watched and, after that, he was hooked.

Tries too hard
Always seemed to me that after Full House and AFV that he tries too hard to be edgy, as if he running around screamming, "See, I'm edgy! I'm hard core! I'll say Fuck fifteen times in this interview just to show you how edgy and cool I really am!"

I would totally watch this movie
Simply because it's called Battletruck.

Doctor Hibbert "by all medical logic steam should be shooting out his ears."
Krust the Clown: "His ears if we're lucky."

I think Noel is the turtle that Homer kicked, I got the feeling that turtle never got over that.

>implying women can read.