
That was awsome, made more so when they hailed him again and he simply took a slow stroll across the bridge swiping the dust off the Enterprise plaque before replying.

Agreed, when Riker said, "Mister Worf, Fire." then "To be continued. . . " appeared I was like "NOOOOOOOO!!!!"

The picture
That picture really needs a funny caption. I was thinking "Dont' worry Captain, she can be a bit troublesome at times but on the inside she's a good woman. I'm sure she won't do anything rash so you shouldn't worry."

I was thinking the same thing and the only thing I could think of is she didn't know or she was just too scared to think about it. Still, would have been nice if the show acknowledge it at some point.

Dang it!
We're what, 4 episodes on and we haven't seen Sookie naked yet! So far this has been a very disapointing season for me. Sheesh!

Q Who
I remember when I first saw Q who I called my other Star Trek fan to ask if he saw it, he hasn't I went on to tell him just how great the episode was. In Philly they repeated the episode later that night and I watched it again, then I went to my aunts house and watched it a third time when it came on one of her

Wasn't it from the Bugs Bunny cartoon with the big hairy monster?

@Emperor Jim: I would have thought that too but Luke specifically askes about her "real mother."
It's a huge hole that shows just how little Lucas thought of his own work. Sigh.

None of the explains how Leia remembers her mother as always being sad when Luke asks her about it in ROTJ.

I agree, I thought Pen Pals was a later season episode as well.

Hopefully I'll have a copy of the complete Lord of the Rings trilogy cause I think it would be cool to live in Middle Earth.

I missed firsest by a minute, I have shamed myself and my family, I deserve the Canceraids I have been given, I shall now kill myself by commiting Hari Kari with a rusty butter knife.

Probably. . .
The first time this has happen.

I would loved to have seen a Vulcan pinch on Riker to prove a point, just reading that made me laugh.

Elaine's race to the airport
I think one of the shows best moments are when Elaine become crazy manic and this was the first time I saw that and I loved every second of it. Her racing around the room grabbing anything to get that guy out of the house, her walking into the apartment all deshevled (and I think still

I saw American Idiot and it was fun show. I do agree that the politics are a bit out dated and very simple but as a musical it had a lot of energy, a pretty good story told mostly through the songs of American Idoit and 21st Century breakdown. I'd recommend it highly if you're a fan of Green Day, but if you're not

Still makes more sense. . .
. . . than most of the real world crazy conspriacy theories.

God, I can totally hear Lwaxana's voice when I read this. The scray thing is I don't think it's totally off base, she would do that just to make Picard blush.

Loud as a whisper
When I was a kid I loved Loud as a whisper, thought the idea was so different and the death was so sudden I totally drawn into the story. I still don't think it's a bad episode as second season episodes go. I do still love the effect of the energy beam killing the group.

Seeing it differently
I saw Lenard not wanting to rescue Sheldon to have sex with Penny as Lenard knowing Sheldon enough to know they'd be able to get him back no matter what. He's dealt with Sheldon acting like a baby long enough to know how to deal with him and to know what will and won't work. He knew they could