
This show gets better with each episode!!
On the point though about white people not being able to rap the n-word I wish this extended to homophobic language as well as a lot of rappers use homophobic slurs (when they shouldn't as nearly all rappers are straight) and this is not addressed/ called out nearly as much as

Definitely agree that one positive thing this show has done is introduce me to Lana Parrilla who I now adore and if she stays on network TV - which I predict she will - I will definitely follow her to whatever she goes to next
Also: I haven't watched the second half of this season and I probably only will if this is

I enjoyed this a lot more than the first episode

I thought it was going to be Hermione for so long - I'm wondering about the wigs though.. Maybe Clifford isn't really a Blossom? Or maybe I'm just reaching?

The title of these reviews gets funnier every week - they're very accurate though
I mean I want to comment on this episode but yeah Dora the Explorer has more consistent character and plot beats than this so I might see if that's on
The only reason I watch this is because a part from Riverdale I have nothing else to

Yes that's exactly the word I was looking for thanks! *runs away embarrassed*

I also enjoyed how for a split second I thought that we weren't going to get to watch the the video and only see the characters reactions until the next week - nice move

Really enjoyed the reveal as it makes logical sense and the curveballs they threw in with it only added to it. Although I'm annoyed my prediction of Hermione doing it was wrong in hindsight this was the better and more sensible option.
Can't wait for the finale next week I've heard it's crazy!!

I really hope that this was just the awkward pilot spin off episode launched in a season of a show currently airing (there has to be a word for that right?) because it definitely felt unsure of itself.
Equally it didn't help (for me anyway) that I have just finished binging Dear White People and I just felt that this

Every episode of this show has left me emotionally drained I've had to watch something funny after it in order to balance my feelings (this time I watched the season one finale of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt)
Everything about this show is incredible I'm nearly reluctant to buy the book as I in some ways enjoy being on

Saw this last week when it came out over here - it's not as good as the first but I found it was trying to be which my have been to its detriment. It was too long and I found a large chunk of the plot pointless. Having said that it is still thoroughly enjoyable from the music to the characters but if I'm being honest

This show is just in another league in comparison to all other superhero shows airing right now - it's so so good
I just hope and pray that we get another season because I haven't heard neither good nor bad things but it deserves another season so much more than half the other crap on ABC right now

Man, Cisco is really starting to grate on me
I mean at least the reveal makes some sort of sense over most other characters (although the motivations still remain unclear) but yes the writers made a much bigger deal out of it when it has definitely been leaning this way for weeks
Killer Frost is killing it though

This show continues to go beyond my expectations and remains consistently amazing!
Is the only reason that it doesn't get any Emmy recognition because comedy series have to be 30mins long after the new 2015 rules? Because that sucks as this show definitely qualifies for comedy series over drama - as it is more

Really good premiere episode - I've heard a few people say that I might be at a disadvantage having not read the book but I feel everything has been okay so far - if there's anything I may miss going forward I'll rely on these reviews and the comments to help
One thing I will say though is I really didn't like/get that

Well we clearly haven't read those spoilers or we wouldn't be theorizing like this - has who the killer is leaked? (don't tell me who but I want to know if I need to be cautious)

Guys there is an amazing rip off of Scandal in the first episode of Dear White People everyone needs to see it ( as if you needed another reason to watch DWP anyways )

Yes I agree Hermione and Hal is definitely looking like the most likely option
Also on a different note with only 2 episodes left is Grundy due to make a surprise return or was that plot literally the definition of pointless? (I'd happily never see her again but I'm curious about the writers motivations behind having

hahaha such coincidence!
I read on TvLine that we find the killer next week so I'll take it as that and we'll see who's right next week

I am now convinced that Hermione is the killer and I think we find out next week? (exciting)