
This is one of the best reviews of this show I've read! It really is ridiculous at this point - I decided early on that this would be my last season but I don't even know if I'll make it to the end at this point.
The character and plot inconsistencies are too much - I mean Liv literally had no agenda for the time

Future Emo Barry is a good representation of the type of viewer the writers feel are enjoying the show I mean will it ever be bright and fun again?
Also why is everyone always so mean to HR? It's an annoying running gag
I also don't feel that even if Iris dies that a lot of what we see has happened by 2024 is in line

The kid actors on this show really are amazing - the best young actors on TV in my opinion (yes that means I think they're better than the Stranger Things kids)

This was a definite improvement on the premiere and I really enjoyed Selina's story line throughout however a lot of the characters still feel scattered and I haven't enjoyed Amy's scenes at all so far - hopefully the everyone can be back in DC and in close proximity of one another soon

I'm enjoying this Agents of Hydra arc a lot more than I initially anticipated. It's just been done so well by both the actors and the writers

So is this a continuation of the movie or a retelling?
It's cool that a few of the cast members from the film (mainly Brandon Bell and Marque Richardson) are returning to the TV show!
Also will there be individual episode reviews?

Fantastic first season - can't wait for season two now!! Does anyone know when that might air and how many episodes it may have??
My only big complaint of the season was how underused Barbara was. I got so excited at the start of this episode when she was in court but then Adrian and Maia just took over and then we

This took its time making its way over to you guys!
It's not as good as Doctor Who but still worth the watch - although at times I did feel it was more childish than the main show I feel like that's also supposed to be its pull but it didn't work for me all the time but overall I enjoyed it but I won't be too

Although it doesn't reach the highs of the first season the second season of fortitude is most definitely worth watching

I hope and pray they don't go down the teen drama trope of having Veronica pregnant with Archie's baby

I have to say I really enjoyed this and it did present well the argument that if you don't like Scandal the way it is now you certainly wouldn't like it any other way either. My only complaint about this and last season is that I wouldn't mind a good case of the week every once and a while as some of them were quite

Okay I'm sold I'm going to start watching this tonight and then Breaking Bad over the summer probably

Yes I completely agree with you on that but I also think the reviewer was too far on the negative side when reviewing this season. I mean this episode/season was nowhere near an A or high B like some people here are saying but it definitely wasn't a D+ either. But everyone has different opinions and although you

I have never seen an episode of Breaking Bad but I really want to this show! Is that possible or not worth it?

Unfortunately the budget cuts are definitely continuing to show as the season goes on which is a shame.
And yes Toy Box is not good - I watched the episode last night and can't remember it at all

I just love Lucca Quinn/Cush Jumbo more and more with each passing episode - I'm so happy this show exists

whoa I didn't say I was offended or didn't like it or anything it's just that I didn't appreciate how they were written into the dialogue - I've watched countless TV shows and movies that have used this word and many other worse bigoted words but they didn't stand out the way it did here - maybe if the dialogue wasn't

Definitely didn't think it deserved a D+ I think Josh is making the right decision to part ways with this show as he seems to be in the minority with his opinions

Yes as much as I love Veronica I do agree with you - they seem to base everything she says and does on her past life as a popular New York socialite but she is yet to show any defining characteristics or actions that link her to Riverdale. Even LaToya mentioned in the review how she has been best friends with Cheryl

I really didn't appreciate the use of the word f*ggot in this or the previous episode