
Although I like Jamie and enjoy Bronn I wasn't really conflicted during this, I wanted Dany, Dragon and the Dhotraki to destroy every last person there.I wonder how I'll feel moving forward

I think I sometimes become too used to how good Uzo Aruba is and forget to appreciate that she is a phenomenal actress because damn…. she is amazing

The supporting performances of all the women on this show are incredible

Tituss Burgess totally deserves the Emmy this year!! Particularly over Alec Baldwin (who is the current favorite solely because he's impersonating Trump - which come on it's not impressive)

Wait so whos side is Sean Jeffries on? I thought he was working up Seth to get info for Hammerschmidt? I presume I've missed something..

Man this episode wasn't good - does anyone who has watched the rest of the season want to let me know if it gets better? Is it worth it anymore?

My favorite review from the trailer: "It is trash. Pure trash." - The Catholic league

I wasn't a massive fan of this episode but I don't think I disliked it as much as the reviewer.
My biggest issue is that I feel like the show works best when certain things are left to the imagine so discovering that Commander Waterford came up with using the word ceremony in the back of a car or seeing how the

Give Keri Russell that goddamn Emmy right now!!
I also hope that Alison Wright gets a well deserved Guest Actress nomination (she was more effective than Martindale this season in my opinion)

I mean I feel as if she was being used in recurring capacity anyway last season bar the last few episodes so maybe it won't have too much of an effect

Ah yes well with the season we just had I suppose this is near enough to the best the show could have done

This review is a lot nicer than I was expecting it to be as I personally found this finale to be terrible like a lot of this season. In the 2014/2015 TV period I called The Flash my favourite TV show and now I'm not confident I'm even going to return in the fall for season 4 unless I hear really good things

Did anyone else get a bit emotional when Cat said "Go get 'em Supergirl" ? No? Only me? Fine?
I'm just glad they are no longer making Cat out to be an idiot as she is by far the smartest character on this show

Oh really? I wasn't aware of this - I'll look into this weekend

I didn't see Khandi Alexander’s name in the opening credits so I jumped for joy when it ended up being her - even though the minutes leading up to the reveal made it obvious
Quick Question though - where is her character supposed to have been all this time? This show moves through plot after plot so fast I can't

Apparently KJ Apa actually broke his hand while punching the ice which is impressive
I wonder did him wearing a cast have to be written into the script or was he going to have on anyway

The whole scene out on the ice was so beautifully shot and there was a little nod to 'Afterlife with Archie' when Cheryl was under the water
Also this is the second time that Riverdale has played us for a split second by making it look as if we won't find out who was shot until next season and I loved it
Overall this

I really loved the scene between Bow and Ruby in the hospital corridor and definitely felt that we had been building towards this - also loved the callback to the rivalry between Diane and Charlie(who I hope is integrated better and more frequently next season)
I also feel that Yara was a real standout this season and

Man I love this show
And I only realized while reading this review that I am in no way invested in the who killed Scott plot but I'm just so engrossed by the characters and their arcs which is a really good achievement for the show - I just hope there is a portion of the audience who do care about this plot so it's not

Better late than never but I can't even see how a final season will do it justice as she really has written herself into a corner that she is not capable of writing herself out of