Mr. Banana Grabber

5-1 baby
1 in 5
No one here
Gets out alive

"Where there's a will, there's a way….just not for you guys."

I see the monks strangling him within the week.

"Why don't you check out the bathroom situation?"
"Yes. Nothing would make me happier."
"You know, I actually believe him."

"I haven't seen you since…."
"…Since you threw yourself down a flight of stairs to prove how smart you are?"

"Fat, drunk, and stupid is no way to go through life son."

One of the things that always stayed with me was the scene where Elliot's father is cleaning out his son's locker, and Fiscus is with him trying to find some meaning in Elliot's life and death and what he can learn from it in his own life moving forward. All he gets is the frustrated contempt Elliot's dad had for his

Babylon 5's a big pile of…eh, not today.

Meddling click-bait!

"Your Prime Minister, your MP Theresa May called this election about 'Brexit". Have we heard from her what she plans to do about it? No. This is mad. On Thursday you are going to be faced with PM May or PM Corbyn against 27 PMs from the EU….It will be a shitshow."

"Michael Flynn, a man who's very face answers the question 'What would happen if an eagle hated Muslims?'"

Why would you do that?

"What the fuck?!"
"Sorry, everybody okay?"
"I don't know you fucking maniac, are we?"

"Huh, three-pointer? What are we, in Europe?….Is he fucking with me?"

Has anyone ever tried patenting being a patent troll?

Liked that Gifoyle drank "Old Rasputin Imperial Stout".

Its just one of those bullshit things you throw out to pretend you have an argument against something someone could maybe consider racist or offensive even though common sense tells you it wasn't but if you don't say anything people might call you out on not calling out the racist/offensive that didn't happen and

As a kid back then, you could tell who had seen The Day After and who hadn't by the looks on the students' faces at school the next day. Same thing happened with The Atlanta Child Murders.

I saw both Pulp Fiction and Titanic in theaters during their original runs and made it a point to avoid anything the filmmakers did afterward.

Richard as Cat's slightly nerdy cousin on a Red Dwarf reboot?