
@J Walter Weatherman - you're brilliant!

Myles-so Amos n Andy style " Chinee" talking cracks you up and reminds you of another adorable side of Micheal Scott? It reminds me of my kids going to school and having to deal with the assholes in the dumb classes yelling things in the hall in the same adorable voice or making a Glee-sanctioned "slanty" eyes comment.

Gee, this was damn near perfect. Who did the voice over?
Who are these " intrepid Community fans"? What editing format did they use? Do they like pancakes?

Oh my god, who made this piece of shit? The "production values" are great - if it was 1976 and a retarded capuchin monkey with scissors sent this in. Christ!

Vicki, not Lisa. I guess I wasn't listening when she was talking.

Community almost always leaves me amazed at how gorgeous it is. Dean Pelton running in with his clothes all torn up from the food kerfuffle right into the "can someone deal with this Shirley giving birth thing?"- it was beautiful choreography. The conversation with Neil and Lisa and Starburns - the rhythm is just

This'll really be gnarly, for "My Three Sons" ' Uncle Charlie!

Glee does not love Tina long time
Tina's comment about no Asian sex symbols and some poster here said just look at the Internet? That's not the kind of sex symbol she was referring to and you know it.

I can't stand Kurt
This is one of the things that weakens your reviews for me, Todd. You make these universal assumptions and about 3/4 of the time , they aren't. Universal."Who doesn't like Kurt?".""Who doesn't enjoy s'mores!""We all love cats, right?"

Next, on The Killing……not a lot of people watching
Let me see if I can compose an actual sentence. I couldn't last night. Sometimes that Ambien kicks in a little too quickly:
Remember Terriers? How there would be three pages of comments, after each show, almost all of them positive?
This is the opposite.
It sucks. I

Charles Joel Nordstrom
The actor who plays Holder is Swedish and that's his name. According to my friend, Wik E Pedia, he signed on with a US agent a few years ago ( who is Johnny Depp's agent?) and took on the name of Joel Kinnaman.

Expand all replies
Weren't we able before to expand all replies without having to hit " show replies" or whatever for each section?

I'm not expecting the Lenny Bruce of sitcoms at this point. No new comedy ground will be broken. I love the cricket sound effect. I was amused by a raging Dwight Shrute wielding an unwanted Dundie AND the keyboard. Michael Scott 's awesome video suite 's production of Michael Scott wearing wigs and acting like Ryan

Ryan M: opposite
Let's just take comedy as something that surprises you and the surprise is what makes you laugh. Danny's intro to his "memories" song…..and then we see it's Josh.Laugh. Then song ended by perfect backward fall by Danny into the drum set and the cymbals clash. Laugh.

I'm always happy to see Dean Winters
Always. I compulsively Ff through commercials and make my kids do the same. But if I see it's a Dean Winters as mayhem one for Allstate , I'll rewind to watch.

I'm always happy to see Dean Winters
Always. I compulsively Ff through commercials and make my kids do the same. But if I see it's a Dean Winters as mayhem one for Allstate , I'll rewind to watch.

That review menu item needs to be emphasized in some way, at least for the next couple of weeks.

it's not.

I think Todd could have taken the time to look up the featured actress's name. We're not all interchangeable "Wu Mei"s, "Mei Ling"s, " Lily Lo"s, etc.

Nebbish is a Yiddish word, not Hebrew. Yiddish is an ancient language, developed as a way for us to talk to each other around non Jews. It's a mixture of what I was always told was " Gypsy" ( but I think more p.c. is Slavic ), German and Hebrew.