
Run Deangelo Vickers through an anagram generator
There's just something too cute about the name. He's no angel and he's…….a machine gun used in WW1? No, no. That doesn't make sense. Why " Deangelo Vickers"?
I obviously don't know, but if you run the name through an anagram generator, you'll get many gruesome results.

She was not important enough to have a name. Like bringing out the latent white privilege shit with Andy with his black jokes, Deangelo slight shudder of repulsion at Kelly when she dropped her papers and then later , not even remembering the name of whatever- the- dark-chick-is-I-know-it's -not-black is a set up for

^in the AV Club TV write up arena.

Oh la vache! I was not aware of your blog and once I became aware, two hours or so went by and suddenly people were yelling at me to actually do something besides make love to my iPad. Peasants! So, thank you. I plan to be a regular visitor if I make bail.

Myles McNutt- I Heart Your Write Ups
Why aren't there more of them? I see your name very infrequently.Maybe it's the shows I watch, but I don't think so. I can always count on seeing TVDW, Noel ( who I think is great ), Donna Bowman, Rabin and a few other names that are in the " usual gang of …" category. But not you

Agreed. Loved Rabin's book but this write up reads like something my kids would quite easily scribble off on the bus on the way to school for an assignment due that morning. ( They're in the brainiac section of 3rd and 5 th grade and they've learned how to be facile bullshit essayist all on their own.)
Can't we have

Thank you, P.L. for not smacking me . I should have known they didn't have to flew or fly Noth anywhere. I really have been so alarmed with the sudden messing with this show - I mark it as starting with Rita Wilson and her fake window - and I'm posting emotionally and I'm not reading everyones posts before I start

Oops, shoulda waited til the end.
He did find a babysitter.
Episode still = really bad.

Also, Mr. I'm so Wiley yet I can't find a babysitter
Enough already. I'm calling CPS on your ass . for child endangerment and for running a schtick into the ground.

There is nothing that makes a Fred Thompson appearance necessary or desirable.
Remember how happy some of us were to see Dennie O Hare a week ago? This is the opposite.
I don't even want to figure out why Fred T. was there. I just don't want it to ever happen again. If the show is going to start veering cute in a

Why did this show fail? Reason #1: Casting sucks
It's hard for me to believe I've given up on a show that came from the land of The Shield and Terriers.
But I have. I saw the show was never going to improve. Whoever is making the casting decisions was just going to keep delivering more characters I didn't believe , I

Art Malik would be very unhappy, Todd, if he knew.
It's not the cursory treatment of Upstairs Downstairs I've come to kvetch about, Todd VDW. I could point out that you do have some room over on the right side menu for some new shows. And the comments for the Middle & Raising Hope ( to name just a few) are so

I assume the Crawford movie had to adhere to the Code , as almost allo movies made in those days did in order to get released. A Code Classic, if you will, was that if a woman did something naughty ( starting with having the sex before marriage)( so murder was a real no-no) , she had to be punished in some way by the

I thought the ending was tragic . As in " the unexamined life isn't worth living " tragic. You can just see these two people - still reasonably young enough to enjoy life, with definite talent and strength and, especially in Bert's case, a moral compass. And instead of doing something with all of that and all that

Was Letty the " good " Veda?
I thought I was just getting too "too ", but I thought Mildred's assistant was getting a second or two with the camera lingering on her face for a reason. I was struck by how much this girl looked like a sweeter ERW. Hayne's presenting an alternative world Veda? Here's a hard working,

Long tribute to O'Hare & Law & Order question
Denis O'Hare on Law & Order, episode "Pro Se". He plays someone who's murdered people in a vintage clothing store. Suffering from schizophrenia for many years; 'Denis' had stopped taking his medication because the side effects were so awful, but when he would take his

I believe it was the usual:

I had planned for this thing to be a big blockbuster so I could start a trendy heroin habit but now that's never going to happen.

A toilet stall story for bedtime
I worked at GMA for about ten years. One day, as if in an unbroken tracking shot, Kathie Lee Gifford burst into the ladies restroom, threw off her very lush fur coat as she opened the door to the toilet stall she'd chosen, hung the coat on the metal hook and as she began to pee

That hot Borgia son puts the "in" in "incest"!
Finally! Someone as drop dead gorgeous as Michael Raymond James.
Cesare could have been a little nicer about that poor lady of the chamber or whatever she was, last night. Other than that,he is brilliant, witty, loyal and I would set my sub- division on fire for him.