
Hey. You're the first Breaking Bad guy that caught my eye. Because I do love murder. Even though that's probably offensive to someone who has lost a family member to murder ,but then - would they be they be here? I don't know. Although once we grew up, and (no relation) got married, we then had a murder in the family

I started to say ….thank you, and the "it"I refer to as always about maybe starting to get to get to into was was "Breaking Bad".

Aw,thank yo

My cousin was 15 and I was 11.

I love your posts and I don't want to harsh your mellow but…..I had one cousin my age my age when I was a kid and she was the coolest, hippest, New York girl of my dreams. and she died of cancer when she was like 15 and was 11. So I can do murder, mayhem, decapitations, gore, blood, etc. I just can't do

The shrivling AMC bosom is looking plumper
So this is what those smug nuggets at AMC think will keep us trained to run to our AMC tit once a week or so, until Mad Mad comes back?

When "If Chins Could Kill" came out, Bruce Campbell was doing a book signing at our neighborhood Internet cafe. It was 2002, ok?

Please don't hit me but I just wish to inform. We have subscriptions to both the New Yorker and A.M. I loved Community, 30 Rock, and Terriers from the first episode on. I don't watch any of the CBS alphabet-investagate crap, or their sit coms or NCIS LA. However - and my husband is very ashamed of this - my daughter

On a more positive note…
I think Russell Brand did a fabulous job as the bedraggled British rocker.

Scene with Peter and Kalinda blew
Why did Peter fire Kalinda?

Oh my god, XiuFetish! You're killing me! You nailed Cary's arc and Kalinda's accent issues with great aplomb.

I love Todd H.; the old Mildred P. And the kitchen ware. I did find it very distracting how homely Kate Winslet's Mildred is and then hating myself for being so shallow.

Thank you, R.A.T.
You made my vincent kart heiser.

on a bed of rice?

It's Terriers 2011 time on AMC!
So cheer up, Micheal Raymond James!

God,I feel a dumb ass. Every time someone would mention Connor's Clearasil account, I was too into my defensive leave-that-poor-boy-alone mode to get the references. I'm only a first season Mad Men girl, if that's any defense!

First of all, he's great on Mad Men and has quite a nice range.

I can only say for myself: I love Archie P and last night I found her very one note. There were three elements.One was wrapping up of the " Kalinda is in big trouble legally" which I stupidly got emotionally invested in. It went on and on for weeks and she seemed like a lamb being led to slaughter. Then- ta da! Super

He is a dreamboat with nuance. I love him. I don't want a "Cary" show. but I love him.

so sorry. Just please translate into correct tenses and insert a few periods.