
How Terriers and Lights Out both could have lived
Maybe I wasn't the only person who was (yes,perhaps irrationally) so fucking mad at FX for the Terriers cancellation and for feeling things about a television show that a person with a family and kids shouldn't feel that they too stopped watching FX.

Lando,you broke my heart
I said I would never watch another show on FX after you cancelled Terriers and I haven't. I'm loyal, not too bright - and tonight I'm also schadenfreudenly giddy.

crispy: yes.

Yes. I did think of jumping off our roof when he said that, after I began breathing again. ( I substituted "mommy" for "daddy". )

Blah blah ………..outraged response to troll, etc.

Kevin Smith- newest recruiter for the WBC
What a creep! He has sold his soul, kissing up to these pieces of shit. The mock outrage - spare me. And how the Phelps must be laughing at this latest development; the "Gee, they aren't so bad, folks. And they're not stupid dumb hicks!'. Of course they aren't, you moron.

My kids ( 5 and 7 at the time) frigging HATED Coraline and hated my husband for trying to convince them it was a fun movie for kids. They were creeped out by many things in this movie - the Uncanny Valley effect just a part of a bigger, creepy, picture.

Crap,crap,mega crap!
J.K Simmons does not blend. He's a very welcome special effect, kind of like John Malcovich or Steve Buscemi used to be before they got tiresome. Simmons has never worn out his welcome ( although I didn't start with Oz. I didn't think watching guys cry and get raped would make up for Homicide

Kevin Smith on Degrassi High
But what about Smith's memorable guest star work on "Degrassi High"?

Dear Southland: don't ever change the No Music Thing
Please. One of the things I love about you. No background music. No indicating music. No musical montages. Please don't change.

Oh yeah. That's gotta hurt.
And the kid maybe has some serious Oedipal issues going on.

There's more than porn in Indiana!

But there's no ad blocker for iPad use. None that I can find. That's why I get the three-plex of the same ad of certain pages on the AV club. Luggage , beer, nose hair clippers. I don't even see them anymore. When they first appeared I went insane and tried to find an ad block app that work with effing safari on my

Afgamistam just explained it all.
Thank you, sir.

Yes it is damn good to see. ( crying softly….)

Bonus question: good idea for Lep's last words
Did any of you ( besides me) think it might have been a good idea for Sammy to ask Leprechaun to say "Thank you" to the cop who shot and ultimately killed him? And that would serve as his dying words, the humiliation of saying "thank you" to the cop that killed you. (

Now I'm going to reveal myself to be a total dumb ass but who killed Leprechaun last night?
i will present this as a multiple choice question:
A) the female cop with the shot gun
B) some other cop in that bunch
C) Sammy
D) Sammy's partner for the day

Damn you ipad

Happy to see Southland here
Of course.
Chicago Code…..oh,sorry…..THE Chicago Code .I've tried to love the TCC because Shawn Ryan and all tune baggae that brings (like Mischael Raymaond James!!!)

I don't like David e Kelley productions and….
I don't watch American idol. I never have. I can make this statement for myself and for all of my kin. We don't like/watch/care about American idol and we never have.