
Thank you Heather S .

Asia is not a supermarket for gay Dads
I don't know how to say this without sounding crude or cruel but here goes. I'm getting really tired of the Mitchell/Cameron fantasy world (although I adore Cam). There is not an Asian country ( China, Vietnam, Korea) that I'm aware of that allows gay men to adopt infants ( or

Didn't Becca meet Jackie once before? When they first moved into the apartment?

Great book on SSoS
The book is The Bad and the Beautiful: Hollywood in the Fifties by Sam Kashner and Jennifer MacNair.
The chapter on our movie is called of course " A Cookie Full of Arsenic". You'll read about what making this movie did to the director, to the actress who played Susie; what a giant prick (literally)

Yes, "Obama" likes to do a lot. Yes, that's who he was "satirizing"………Obama……..

Dean Pelton's (sister's) Uncle Sam outfit. That deserves a round of applause or a notch or something.
The set up, the payoff……that outfit was so delightful. That little hat set rakishly askew…..

Vas is das…
"I won't begrudge anyone from their bathing suits and bad TV?"

If Shawn Ryan had anything at all to do with Southland - if his Uncle Fred did the catering - the AV club would be including it in its weekly reviews . I've been tracking the comment numbers for NOF and The Middle and a few other low end shows, and Southland got the same/better number of comments every time it was

My love for Adam Scott, Turd Paply chasing the whole 18 year old mayor story PLUS April's grandfather's thank you note………ok,guys.It was a very enjoyable show.

Ryan McGee - can we keep him?
I love this Ryan McGee guy.
I thought the episode was almost as delightful as Don Cheedle on a bed of rice. I thought the review was too. I'm new enough to AV to not have Nathan R history but I've never had the same feeling of happy satisfaction reading his 30 Rock reviews that I had

I've been on the horns of that dilemma before- needed a chip clip but only had a hair clip.But I won't cross that line. It's too dees gusting. People who are capable of that are the same kind of people who brush their hair in the kitchen.

Yes, yes and yes! I'm going to be late to work just so I can reply to you! Yes I am very disturbed by the popularity of this…i hate to call it a genre and no better name is coming to mind so….genre it is.


I know it's not a documentary but jeez….
Was anyone else not buying the opening with Rita Wilson being fabulous as she made her power call from her fabulous office with a view? I really was half waiting for a clever The Good Wife visual joke/save; where the "beautiful LA backdrop" was going to be rolled off by a few

This is THAT episode. The episode that always runs when you've been trying to convince a friend to watch a new show and they're resisting because they insist it will suck for various reasons and you insist it won't because THIS SHOW is different, you promise.

I saw A Town Called Panic
A Town Called Panic

I understand what a dying declaration is. And director Clark Johnson knows more than half of his audience knows too. So he chose to cut away to that little guy making an ambiguous gesture instead of giving him a line. Look at it again. That wasn't a "he's too far gone"'shake of the head. That was a " You're dying so

Kirk and Lobsters,
Once again, thank you for an early morning LOL. You guys are just adorable sometimes!

Gq & Ot,
Thank you for the recap of what sounds like the most interesting part of the night.