
Law and Order was good. The older "classic" Jerry Orbach, Chris Noth, Jesse Martin - great stuff.

Chris O Dowd : Roy on the IT Crowd is in this movie, hello, reviewer?
He has a "break through" role in this. A seminal role, if you will.

Every two weeks or so, some poor Terrier fan will twittee Shawn Ryan and ask *always all excited* about Terriers coming out on disc. How they can't wait; what can they do to help make it happen; what's holding it up, etc.

^have loved

Is that what it is? Because …no, it's not just you. Episode one I thought he was going to be just another blonde douche bag. But no. He's like the nephew of Lem on The Shield who got to go away to a fancy boarding school and college and law school.

Carey, Diane, and Eli
They really need to be in each episode. I can be distracted by David Lee, but any episode without Carey, Diane and Eli just feels a little empty. If they aren't in the script, they should run an old blooper reel of them in the credits a la Jackie Chan. Or have them take turns reading script

Being your own best friend
I began to get scared when the Silverman "the sound of someone else's orgasm" speech cut right to Alicia sitting on her bed ( in her slip?) as she carefully took something out of a chest of drawers.

He doesn't have to be beautiful. Michael Chicklas (sp?) - beautiful?
No, he has to have a great charismatic center and then he has to cast like hell the characters around him. And in these two tasks, Ryan failed.
Having the lead character forbid swearing because he was too dainty instead of just living with the "

Oops.I accept responsibility but also that iPad is still tricky in ways I still haven't figured out but I've improved a lot I ha
There shouldn't be a ! in the if statement.

This was all about the stirring of your loin,guys!
I've been in love with this show since the first episode so I've done my time.

Um……streets ahead is no longer streets ahead.

Ben's job is making Parks and Recreation watchable for me. He is about 99.4% of the reason I watch this otherwise feh show(IMHO,etc).

This recent spotlight on Victoria Jackson..
Do you think it makes Dennis Miller feel more like a failure-face or less?

Oh god, it wasn't Noel that objected to this scene . It was Drolz.
This is what I get for sneak- reading the AVClub and worse yet, sneak-posting.
It won't happen again! Sorry!

Noel - you have kids, right? I think you have mentioned this in other reviews.

I think I might be done
I didn't sign on to watch Mourning Becomes Michelle Forbes. I love her and all, but there is still no one else to care about except for two leads. One is still telling her kid they're leaving the next day, which is just absurd and the other is just a walking shedder of Mysterious Worrisome

Terriers on USA
I hate to beat a dead show, but my love runs deep. Why didn't Shawn Ryan shop it to USA instead of FX? Terriers wasn't violent enough for fx and had the dreamiest second male lead ever ( Michael Raymond Thomas).

Fox "news"
Ran a banner at about 10.30ish…telling the world that " Obama Bin Laden" had been killed.

That ad for Taboo
Is making me physically ill. Adblock doesn't work on my iPad. Please make that picture of the guy sucking on a bottle while ensconced on the lap of his grey haired mother go away. And don't replace it with the next episode of Taboo. I'm sure it's just as revolting.

Oy - you know I'm not asking to have someone "step out" and "force feed the audience". Fiddler, please. I'm a smart girl - just like you. And the folks at The Office know how to do this thing, I think it's called "editing" - where you can make a point without using wacky sound effects ,indicating music, long winded