
Criminal Minds is just cheesy Crappy TV One Upping Violence Porn. The screen should black out when the level of dissembling/bullshit goes over 60% which is has for ever episode I've seen.
It's been a year but I'm sure nothing has changed.
The profilers go after a bad guy who's keeping girls in a a sex dungeon where

And I liked "Peepnerds (by Poopnards)".

AV club renaming of Terriers genius strikes
I told someone about this great show- Terriers.And she asked if it was about dogs. So I said no and tried to explain what it was about and after about two minutes I could tell it wasn't working. So I reached back into my AV club tool box and said that it was originally

Got lost in the show
The endearing charm of MRJ continues. Also the opening- Hank cleaning his gutters with a still fucked up wing. Cleaning the gutters is such an odious task with two good arms even in the best of times - great intro of a man over- compensating for what he feared was going to be a day he was going to

Britt: "No, not me and her. Me and Katie". And he just keeps going.

Did Gretchen know about Jason's past?
No. She did not. But that was some good acting!

I loved this episode
I loved this episode.

Tim Gunn tells all ( even Heidi admitted the judges were idiots, etc) :
Y'all probably have been here and back but if not:

Smuggy, MM and LWL's brilliant posts are making me think there is a little race problem going on at Lifetime's PR. Or,more to the point, Lifetime feels better when the white people win and so support the old timers. Read their 3 posts above me . They clarify how MK and NG spoke out of three or four sides of their

Oh, be quiet. I'm just trying to pad out the comments and I want to make sure "they" see that women are watching.

She was styled by Micheal Kors that night. Both the dress and the hair style were very bad choices for someone who has "put on weight" and is possibly going thru bloat time.

Sean Robinson

John T- great review, but pls explain Nina in greater detail. Racism? Insanity?
John T: Your recaps are wonderful and I'll miss them so much. But could you please explain more- what was really going on with Nina and Michael K? How was this allowed to stand?

Did someone buy Meena Garcia's vote?
Kvetchen makes fat day clothes. Clothes you pick up at Walmart when you've got a spare 19 dollars and you just want something new. ( although i still wouldn't buy them).

Finally - they dared to not have a big "happy" ending!
We stopped watching the show ( my husband and I) because the endings had gotten so nauseating and I really didn't want my kids to watch them either. I think it's really dangerous for kids to see how problems are solved by trips to Italy and Hawaii and everyone

It's even great without sound
I couldn't wait til today (Wednesday) to watch the latest episode. I've got a 10 year daughter with post-op stitches recovering in front of the TV & I'm kind of glued to her side. She said "Terriers is too scary!" and even the cuteness of Micheal R-J didn't change her opinion. So I

Women and FX
Does anyone know if FX cares about its' female viewership? I'm basing this on nothing scientific, of course, but I think this show would be the best draw for the womens.

Was Jon Hamm's face at the end on purpose or what?
I've only been watching for a season and a half so this question could be less stupid that it sounds.

Fortune favors the well-prepared. My Dad says that. I mean, he didn't make it up and he says it in Latin. My Dad is perfect.