
feh and meh
I thought this episode just sucked. I was very disappointed.

To Noel Murray
Any real advice on how to keep this show alive? I'm hearing enough talk to upset me ( that there might not be a second season) and that would make me so mad.

Yes, have him help. Can he help?

then how do we get it renewed?

No, it wasn't that she was asking her to brush her teeth. It was that after Sally brushed her teeth, Betty told her she still smelled.


CC Baxter wrote:" it may just be me, but I find that my male family members are more affectionate with other males."

Also - he gave the little Draper an affectionate pat on the head and then reached over and gave Middle Draper a manly pat on the head but Sally - the one who had made a special point of saying she wanted to have dinner with him - got nothing. I couldn't even hear what Betty was blathering about "the children …and

I love this show. I would marry it if i wasn't already. I even re-visited the heinous Facebook for the first time in a lot of months just so I could do the thumbs up thing. Shit, I hated the thumbs up thing. It made me swear off reading CNN news online forever. Yes, I know they are weeping over that loss.

"Go shit in the ocean!" commands Dr. Faye
Did you all discuss that Faye is Jewish? If so and it's not appropriate to discuss it now, please don't flame me. I'm Jewish too and I'm a female and ….just…….be nice, OK? It's been a crappy week.

It was lust. Faye got too close. Megan is so sweet and simple. And doesn't know anything. And will do anything Don wants - at least in the office. For now. We haven't seen much of the Draper Magic this season!

So true! And don't minimize all that repressed anger and grief. You can make light of Wonder Woman Maternity clothes and giant eggs, but remember that beautiful grieving face in the light of the bus. And remember what the doctor said. That wasn't a statement about abortion. It was a statement about what a shit Roger

Can you make these pictures of David Cross go away?
Perhaps some of you have a similar story. Loved Mr. Show . Sort of rejoiced in David Cross sightings .Then somewhere in the middle of Arrested Development, there was just too much of him. Then there became way too much of him. Then, then the mere sight of him became

"You have to go to a prestigious institution of higher learning to properly get instruction on fingerbanging a lady."

Ok this was the best of the season
Still can't think of anything after Sally falling without choking up. Up til then the show was great/after that it broke my heart.
The shot of the three woman in the right side of the shot with Sally with Betty and Megan on the left - that was beautiful.
and of course the closing

I get HBO and it sucks. After Bill Maher, what is there? Nothing.

Clark Johnson + Logue + the world's cutest guy= great show
I love Clark Johnson, always thought Donal Logue had "it". I found that both hours of the show ( watched first & this last night) just moved along beautifully. I was happy as a clam. This could be our new "The Shield" ( Yes, I know. Not the same show. but I'm

Chris Cooper-brilliant, adorable and dreamy
He was dreamy in Matewan and very dreamy in Thousand Pieces of Gold. Great actor, yes. But dreamy, too.

Sorry….I meant……."distracted BY #1 and #3"….not "distracted but…"

The cute boy from downtown for Peggy
Only a few problems with this otherwise spactacular episode:
1)my fear that DD would turn on Peggy in the end ( of course,he didn't)
2)Don's final ad did suck (Samonsonsite). But was it supposed to? I am confused but so distracted but #1 and #3 I don't have the brain cells left to