
Heddy Lamarr
Brillant scientist/inventor and a total babe. Is there any hotter combination?

It just seems to me that in some instances the work is so wrapped up in its medium that it doesn't really transplant well. One of the main themes of the Watchmen is the nature of comic books/stories/archetypes. And one of the chief pleasures of the book is that it is itself a comic book. It just seems to me that's

"trying to film the unfilmable book" is kind of my point. It's a great book. Why not just leave it at that? Why try to film it? I know, if they really took that attitude Hollywood would have to come up with ideas of its own which is like, hard work and stuff, but still-there are things-books, plays, songs,

Just Don't Get It
If you want something identical to the book, why not just read the book? Snyder's comment about the shot of the door breaking down being exactly like the graphic novel sums up everything that made the movie so lifeless. He slaved to get every detail just so, and missed the heart of the story

Hate to break this to you. Radiohead sucks. They really do.

I'M into the idea of staying pretty forever. And I'm a guy. And not pretty to start with.

The need for money is based on the idea of "scarcity" —there are fewer goods, services, resources, etc than there are people that want them. Therefore, money developed as a medium for rationing out these scarce goods. (Not always fairly or rationally, of course, and I hope my Econ 101 professor isn't wincing in pain

What has the Roman Empire ever done for us? I mean, besides the aqueducts. And sanitation. And law and order.

That two parter is the only unalloyed good thing "Enterprise" ever did. Made me wish they'd do an entire series set in the mirror universe. Though that probably would get old quickly in reality.

I thank Roddenberry once suggested the same thing. he may not have been serious though.

Whatever that "Space Hippy" one from TOS is called. Yikes!

"Jim, you'd better get down here. You"d better…hurry."

Blues Brothers are from Chicago?
I never quite figured this out. They are supposed to be icons of Chicago blues, yet their backing band is mostly made up of musicians who were basically the house band at Memphis's Stax records and their signature tune "Can't Turn You Loose" was one of the greats for Stax/Volt's Otis

The World's Relationship to Math
What are mathematical equations relationship to the real world according to engineers, physicists and mathematicians?

Sometimes it looked like he was saying stuff that he knew he shouldn't as he said it. Like even he was distressed that he couldn't stop himself. My impression of the Gage case (mind, Psych 101 was a long, long time ago) was that he never even knew he wasn't filtering. Not only did he say inappropriate things, but

I thought so too. Now I'm starting to suspect that there is at least one person who looks at the show as an anthropological study of a different species. Not that my wife is all "Goodnes and sunshine and puppy dogs!" but she is certainly no misanthrope. So I love her.

Anybody else sense a certain tension between Koski and Chang? Hmmm? We could turn this place into the Peyton Place of pop culture sites.

I'm not sure Tom Waits gets the spirit of this place.

Awkward moment with the wife
So we're watching this together and at one point I turn to her and say "I think everyone in the world walks around thinking the things the the PoW does, they just keep it to themselves. Why is everyone SO upset that Nick has to say them?" Long silence from herself (who I admit is my

My big question about the medical side of this episode was is it really realistic for someone who has Nick's disinhibition problem, would he be apologizing for what he says? If he lacks the ability to filter what he says, does he still have an awareness that he shouldn't be saying these things? And if he does have