
I was going back and forth about seeing this and I think hearing that these all-too-human "superheroes" are now some kind of true super bad asses tips me into the "not going to see it" column. It's just such a fundamental missing of the point that I figure why bother? It seems that Snyder has made a faithful

Don't forget "Schindler's List." A man who can put performances like Ghandi and Itzhak Stern on his highlight reel gets a pass for a lot.

Nerd note: Kirk's speech during the wedding is used by every other Captain/C.O. who performs a marriage in the later series.

He being John Cleese. Who had no connection to "Young Ones." I'll just be over inspecting this potted plant…

Agreed about Young Ones. I thought it was hysterical when I was 16. Tried to watch it again a little while ago and found it intolerably dull. goes to show.

"Aah, Father Jack, what would you say to a nice cup of tea?"

Another Icon
This episode (or at least "The Cage " part) introduced another bit of great Star Trek iconography— the sexy green-skinned chick. Seen here and then never again until "Enterprise" used them some 30+ years later but still almost as instantly recognizable as phasers and warp drive. I guess the new movie

I'm gonna give it a shot. What the hell, if its incomprehensible I'll just quit. I've done it before. A wise man once said (ie: I read this quote somewhere and can't remember who was being quoted): "Just because you began it is not a sufficient reason for finishing a book."

I Go Pogo!
Bloom County? Meh. Wasn't Fantagraphics supposed to have a complete Pogo collection coming out? Is that still happening?

Be careful what you wish for—three of the top 10 on the Reader's List of the 100 best novels are by L. Ron Hubbard. If the Board's List had gone that way we'd all be bitching about it.

That's just great. This is all we need.

"Strangers On A Train" is great right up until

It's obvious, isn't it? The "Evolution is true" link goes no where because evolution ISN"T true. How obvious does it have to get? Can't you see divine intervention when it's right in front of you?

Barack Obama.

Yeah. everybody knows that if something makes a whole lot of money and sells a lot of tickets then it must be good. which means the films of Adam Sandler must be the greatest ever made.

Why is this place suddenly swarming with Hortas? Who left the screen door open? Can we get pest control in here?