
Oh boy, a giant deux ex machina. What a great way to resolve one of the biggest distinctions between Marvel and DC.

How does the blind man feel about it? Is he dead? If he's died since then I think it's safe to say Marky Mark is forgiven.

Is there a right direction for One Direction?

I have Will Eisner's autograph when I got an autographed copy of one of his graphic novels and I have Doug Stanhope's autograph on one of his DVDs from the first time I saw him live.

Speaking as someone who had never heard of Netflix or Hulu or Youtube or Amazon, I am deeply saddened and disappointed at the loss of Redbox's online streaming service.

There was a rebooted version of Dallas?!

RIP Joan Rivers. You did a lot for the sport.

This is one of the best responses there's been and I thank you for writing it.

My response to you with the source seems to have been deleted for some
reason, don't know why, there's been nothing inappropriate whatsoever.

My response to you with the source seems to have been deleted for some
reason, don't know why, there's been nothing inappropriate whatsoever.

My response to you with the source seems to have been deleted for some reason, don't know why, there's been nothing inappropriate whatsoever.

Academia are in many instances the people that didn't want to leave the school system. More technically educated doesn't mean more emotionally healthy or more successful or worldly.

The subject of the article is superhero comics, is it not? It seemed really clear to me, so I took your question as a rhetorical device you used to make shitty insult.

I like that you jumped right to hate. You're a logical guy, I like that.

Your google searches reflect what you've used google for in the past, your location, etc, they are not universal.

And you're simplifying my statements down to your level.

Well said and I appreciate your approach to the conversation.

So complaining about a picture and critiquing an ideology or approach to thinking are identical to you?

I'm not offended though.